A Chess Engine with a GUI.
- Bitboard Board Representation
- Magic Bitboard Sliding Move Generation
- Opening Book based on ~8000 games
- Move Searching using Minimax with Alpha-Beta pruning, MTDF, Null Move Pruning, Move Ordering, Quiescence Search, Memoization, and Iterative Deepening
Below is an example showing usage of the chess engine without a GUI.
#include "Chess/bitboard.h"
#include "Chess/board.h"
#include "Chess/move.h"
#include "Chess/search.h"
#include "Chess/hashmap.h"
int main() {
Board board;
board_from_fen(&board, "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");
HashMap* hashmap = hashmap_alloc(20);
Move selected;
Move moves[MAX_MOVES];
while (1) {
int n_moves = gen_moves(&board, moves); // Generate all possible moves.
Move move = moves[...]; // Select a move.
make_move(&board, &move); // Make the move on the board.
// Then the AI selects a move. If it could not, then you've either won or the game is
// in stalemate.
if (!select_move(&board, hashmap, &selected)) {
if (is_in_check(&board)) {
// Checkmate.
} else {
// Stalemate.
make_move(&board, &selected);
return 0;
Currently only configured for Windows. Compilation commands available in Makefile
# Chess GUI
make chess
# Perft Tests
make perft
perft <depth>
The following resources/projects were very helpful in the creation of this Chess Engine.