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Gerard edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 4 revisions

Alter-Native Build Status

AlterNative is a tool made by Developers for Developers. Its concept is to maximize the idea of happy-coding. It provides a tool to easy port applications from high-level languages such as .NET to native languages like C++.

Most of the actual systems are C++ compatible, thus if the application is ported to this language, it can be executed in several platforms (i.e. smartphones, tablets, embedded systems and computers).

AlterNative's philosophy is to provide the user with a system for taking the advantage of the .NET fast development and also take the advantage of performance of low-level languages. But also, exploit the possibility to run this native code in many systems or in other words, follow the WORA (Write Once, Run Everywhere) philosophy.

Included open-source libraries:

Mono.Cecil: MIT License
AvalonEdit: LGPL
SharpTreeView: LGPL
ILSpy: MIT License
ICSharpCode.Decompiler: MIT License (developed as part of ILSpy)

Alter-Native Contributors:

Alex Albalà (alejandro.albala at
Juan López (Juan.Lopez-Rubio at
Gerard Solé (gerard.sole.castellvi at

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