TALKIE is an app where parents of bilingual children can find other families who speak the same language as they do and then they can set up a playdate.
Playdate can help your child to maintain and improve language skills and a huge plus of it it's fun 😎
Moreover this app has its own chat 😉
Here you can watch demo
This app can solve a few problems at once:
- motivate kids to use minor language more often
- practice language skills
- have a good time
- and make new friends
- ReactJs
- Redux
- Express
- Sequelize as ORM
- One-to-many models
- Many-to-many models 🌷
- Firebase 🌷
- React-select as multiselect 🌷
- Bootstrap 🌷
- Material-UI 🌷
🌷 New technologies learnt during this project
The goal of this project is to build fullstack app, practicing and learning new technologies. I learnt these new tools on my own by reading documentation, reading articles and watching tutorials.
- practice full-stack app development
- build a working prototype in 2 weeks
- apply skills which we learnt during Codaisseur bootcamp
- explore new technology single-handedly
- showcase and document development skills using:
- make a wireframe
- design a data model
- write user stories
- use git flow
- As a user I want to set up a playdate for my kid.
- As a user I want to be able to create an account.
- As a user I want to add as many languages as we speak.
- As a user I want to specify different age of my children.
- As a user I want to find families who speak the same language as we do.
- As a user I want to be able to connect to other users. planned As a user I want to find families who live near us. planned As a user I want to find families who have kids of the same age as mine.
Some of the features are still in progress (and I already have some new ideas in mind 😁). I'll be glad to receive suggestions or feedback. You can write me here.
Go to project board
Go to wireframe
Go to database model
You can find it here