This is a BETA release.
I've just started to revive Gun Assembly, at the moment, only "Assault rifles" are supported.
My intention is to add all vanilla random generated melee and ranged weapons before full release (Steam Workshop), at the moment, I need people to toy with it and to point me any bug/quirk you encounter.
Healthire - Developer of Gun Assembly, inspiration and base of this mod.
Djinn - For the outstanding Gun assembly station art.
Inf_Wolf14 - For the outstanding Weapon painting station art.
Mackinz - For (Offering Modpack Unpacking Services), where the original mod was unpacked.
This mod will let you break weapons into parts and then combine the parts into new weapons!
The parts hold different stats:
- Stock
- Projectile type
- Projectile parameters
- Ability
- Elemental type
- Body
- Fire time
- Energy usage
- Color
- Seed
- Barrel
- Inaccuracy
- Burst count
- Projectile count
- Fire type
- Burst time
- Base DPS
The new weapon will also visually match the parts that you put in!