** NOTE - This project is not currently maintained. **
Originally started as a simple chatting application to test my Frontend + Backend skills, magically turned into a Discord Clone.
A clone of Discord with features like realtime chat app, roles, video channel rooms...etc,
- React is used along with Redux to power front-end.
- Redux toolkit to manage state along with Redux Saga.
- Socket.io for real-time communication.
- React Routing with Error handling and Discord Loading between pages.
- MongoDB is used for data storing like messages, users, friends and servers.
- Material UI is used for styling components UI.
install dependencies
$ npm install
build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
launch backend express server
$nodemon server.js
- Real time messaging
- Loads User Data upon login (Friends, Channels, Invitations)
- Indicator for online friends
- Creation and Joining Servers
- Screen Sharing capabilities
- Invite friends using mailID
- Reply to messages
- Timestamps for messages
Contributions are always Welcome...
- Fork the repository
- Improve current program by
- improving functionality
- adding new feature
- bug fixes
- Push your work and Create a Pull Request