The client re-taped from the one held together by duct tape and bad code* (Pronounced ree-taped)
*Retaped basically isn't a fork anymore, as I did a full-client rewrite starting in this commit
- Websocket connection, for updating the chat without refreshing
- Replies, for, well, replying
- Markdown (NOTE: not 1:1 RFM compatible)
- Unreads
- Emoji loading (including deprecated ones; you can use :trol: and :1984: to your heart's desire!)
- Theme loading (no need to set a new theme when you switch clients!)
- Image loading through Autumn
- Masquerade loading (including proxying masqueraded avatars through January)
- Profile loading
- Written in nothing but vanilla HTML5, JS ES6, and CSS, making it quick to load and light to run
- Actually looks decent (looking at you, Reduct...)
Overview of the client, demonstrating the basic layout and message rendering