danswriter is an app to create posts for your blogspot by leveraging GPT and PaLM. None of the requirements need to be paid for as of now (Oct 2nd, 2023).
- Write posts for your blogspot (with labels/tags) using:
- GPT-3.5 via tgpt
- PaLM 2 via the official API
- Insert images from Unsplash using the official API
- Upload your post on Blogger using the official API
- Built-in bearer token refresh (using OAuth flow)
- Either the official API keys for PaLM 2 OR tgpt installed on your machine.
- Unsplash API key (If you do not want to get the API key and are fine without having pictures in your post, then you can comment out the relevant code.)
- The official Blogger API key.
To install this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DaniyalAhmadSE/danswriter.git
- Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure the app from the config.json file. Refer to the help.json file for details.
- Run app.py from your favorite IDE or with:
python app.py
To contribute to this project, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes.
- Submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
For questions or suggestions (especially regarding prompts), contact me at [email protected].
- Improve the prompt.
- Integrate an improved PaLM model.
- Allow integration of GPT using the official Openai API keys.
- Integrate more blogging sites.
- Just me for now :)
Official Blogspot:
- Read the official blogs written by danswriter at danswriter.blogspot.com
- tgpt by aandrew-me is an awesome cross-platform ChatGPT CLI client that does not require Openai API keys. Follow the official installation instructions for tgpt.