Morse Code Flasher is a Flutter app to convert your text into morse coded flash light. Its a light weight app and it can also be used to decode the morse code.
- Akarsh Ashok []
- Jayashankar JP []
Flutter 15
You can view the demo with explantion here []
- From the user's input, it will extract the text and convert it to Morse Code
- Then with the morse code, flashlight is enabled and disabled accordingly
- In case of decode, the input . and _ is there, and when space bar is pressed, the morse code is converted to text
shared_preferences - 2.0.13 clipboard - 0.1.3 fluttertoast - 8.0.8 torch_light - 0.4.0
In Android Folder, open, then write the following
flutter.minSdkVersion = 21
Then in build.grade of app, change the minSdkVersion to the following
minSdkVersion localProperties.getProperty('flutter.minSdkVersion').toInteger()
Connect your android device and type the following
flutter run