A simple job board web app that provides filtered jobs for people entering software industry
- React front end w/ Hooks
- Express REST API
- Redis Data Store
- Cron worker to fetch data
- Simple filtering algorithm
- Create Docker Images
- React JS
- Node JS
- Redis
- Nginx
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The required technologies are:
- Node >= version 10 Download Link
- Docker >= version 18 Download Link
- Yarn Installation Link
For the dev environment, please follow the instruction below
> make download-redis
> make setup-volume
> make start-redis
# Separate Terminal
> cd worker
> yarn install
> yarn start
# Separate Terminal
> cd api
> yarn install
> yarn start
# Separate Terminal
> cd client
> yarn install
> yarn start
Now, you can access
- UI in http://localhost:3000
- API in http://localhost:5000
- API Jobs http://localhost:5000/api/jobs/
For the production environment, please follow the instruction below
> make download-redis
> make setup-volume
> make run-job-board
# To Stop the containers
> make stop-job-board
- Ajan Lal Shrestha - AJRedDevil
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Learnings from this video