Currently applicable to Short URL 2 / 目前适用于Short-URL 2
- 这个是Short-URL("")主题
- This is the theme of the Short-URL ("") project
- For demo display only, no interaction. Text is LanguagePack ID
- 仅做Demo展示,无交互。文本为LanguagePack ID
- If unable to access, please try alternative links:
- 若无法访问,请尝试备用链接:
- None/暂无
- Installation: To use this theme, first install the Short-URL project. Then, replace the corresponding files with those from this repository.
- (The English version of Notice is translated using Google Translate from Simplified Chinese. For any ambiguities, please refer to the original "注意" section in Simplified Chinese.)
- 安装说明: 若要使用此主题,请先安装 Short-URL 项目,然后用本仓库的文件替换对应文件。