This is the source code for the Android App, App Usage Monitor.
Import the project into Android Studio.
./gradlew assembleDebug or ./gradlew assembleRelease
If you want to store historical data to a cloud back-end, this depends on a another [cloud app] ( To communicate with this cloud app, you'd need the web client id. This is stored on the local machine of the original author. So you shouldn't be able to communicate with the real cloud application.
The keystore, keystore password and password are all stored on the original author's local machine. Therefore, only the original author can do this.
- app/main/java/com/appspot.appusagemonitor.appusagemonitor/* This code is auto-generated from a app-engine cloud endpoint service.
- app/main/java/com/dhgg/appusagemonitor/* Main activity and other android code is here.
- app/main/java/com/dhgg/appusagemonitor_tests/* Testing code for the android code is here.
- app/main/java/com/dhgg/cloudbackend/* Code to interact with the cloud backend is here.
I started writing this app as a way for me to learn about programming an Android App.
Move cloud back end to separate package. Move broadcastreceiver handler to separate package. Move Db handler to a separate data store package. :w