GeneticSharp is a fast, extensible, multi-platform and multithreading .NET Genetic Algorithm library that simplifies the development of applications using Genetic Algorithms (GAs).
Can be used in ASP .NET MVC, Web Forms, Windows Forms, GTK# and Unity3D applications.
- Add your own chromosome representation implementing IChromosome interface or extending ChromosomeBase
- Add your own fitness evaluation, implementing IFitness interface.
- Elite (also know as Truncate or Truncation)
- Roulette Wheel
- Stochastic Universal Sampling
- Tournament
- Others selections can be added implementing ISelection interface or extending SelectionBase.
- Cut and Splice
- Cycle (CX)
- One-Point (C1)
- Ordered OX1
- Partially Mapped (PMX)
- Three parent
- Two-Point (C2)
- Uniform
- Others crossovers can be added implementing ICrossover interface or extending CrossoverBase.
- Reverse Sequence (RSM)
- Twors
- Uniform
- Others mutations can be added implementing IMutation interface or extending MutationBase.
- Generation number
- Time evolving
- Fitness stagnation
- Fitness threshold
- And e Or (allows combine others terminations)
- Basic randomization (using System.Random)
- Fast random
- If you need a special kind of randomization for your GA, just implement the IRandomization interface.
Runner app (GTK#) showing the library solving TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem).
Mono support.
Fully tested on Windows and MacOSX.
100% Unit Tests coveraged.
100% code documentation.
FxCop validated.
Good (and well used) design patterns.
public class YourIFitnessImplementation : IFitness
public double Evaluate (IChromosome chromosome)
// Evaluate the fitness of chromosome.
public class YourIChrosomeImplementation : ChromosomeBase
public override Gene GenerateGene (int geneIndex)
// Generate a gene base on your chromosome representation.
public override IChromosome CreateNew ()
return new YourIChrosomeImplementation();
var selection = new EliteSelection();
var crossover = new OrderedCrossover();
var mutation = new ReverseSequenceMutation();
var fitness = new YourIFitnessImplementation();
var chromosome = new YourIChrosomeImplementation(); // please, don't use names like that ;)
var population = new Population (50, 70, chromosome);
var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);
- Improve Runner.GtkApp
- Add new problems/classic samples
- Checkers
- Time series
- Add new problems/classic samples
- Create and publish NuGet package
- Create the wiki
- Add new selections
- Reward-based
- Add new crossovers
- Order-based (OX2)
- Position-based (POS)
- Voting recombination
- Alternating-position (AP)
- Sequential Constructive (SCX)
- Shuffle crossover
- Precedence Preservative Crossover (PPX)
- Add new mutations
- Non-Uniform
- Flip Bit
- Boundary
- Gaussian
- Add new terminations
- Fitness convergence
- Population convergence
- Chromosome convergence
- Unity3d game sample (WIP)
- MonoTouch Runner app (sample)
- Parallel populations (islands)
Having troubles?
- Ask on Stack Overflow
Create a fork of GeneticSharp.
Did you change it? Submit a pull request.
Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). In others words, you can use this library for developement any kind of software: open source, commercial, proprietary and alien.
0.5.0 First version.