Some of the notebooks are not being rendered on github because of being large I suggest opening Notebooks on
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- Binder if you wanna play with it
I've worked on self implementation/projects based on the chapters of the book
Intro to DL, High Level Training: Questionnaire ✅
- Notebook /fastbook-solved/01-fastaiintro.ipynb
- Project: Mandarin vs Japanese Identifier
Deployment: Questionnaire ✅
- Notebook /fastbook-solved/02_Production.ipynb
- Project Pokemon Classifier /self-implementation/03-pokemon-classifier
Under the hood-Digit Classifier: Questionnaire ✅
- Notebook /fastbook-solved/03_NN_MNIST.ipynb
- INPROGRESS Project /self-implementation/04-MulticlassMNISTClassifier.ipynb
Collaborative Filtering:
- Notebook /fastbook-solved/07-collaborative-filtering-movielens-recommendation.ipynb
Tabular Modelling
- Notebook One-R,Decision Trees, Random Forest /fastbook-solved/06_One-R_Decision-trees_Random-forests.ipynb
- Notebook Using FastAI Framework /fastbook-solved/Working-with-framework-tabular-analysis.ipynb
- Project /self-implementation/05-my-first-pytorch-RentPrediction/my-first-pytorch-RentPrediction.ipynb
NLP Deep Dive - RNN Questionnaire ✅
- Notebook
- Project Sentimental Analysis (Emotion Classifier) /self-implementation/06-nlp-emotion-classifier.ipynb
- Notebook /fastbook-solved/ch13_CNN.ipynb