How secure is your password?
Install this app to know or try pass-estimator interactively here
It’s good to be cautious and it’s never a good idea to enter your legitimate credentials into any website you are not confident about. The ones to watch especially are those who ask you to input your credentials.
- The passwords you type never leave your browser and we don’t store them (You can disconnect your internet connection and then try it if you wish)
- All the checking is done on the page you’re on, not on our servers
- You can install and run the app in your local machine.
- We AfricTivistes working to make people more secure online and the last thing we want to see is passwords being transmitted across the internet insecurely.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
This app use zxcvbn a password strength estimator.