A package allowing to merge all html files in a directory in a single file.
git clone https://github.com/pcotteadvestis/htmlmerger
cd htmlmerger
python setup.py install
pip install htmlmerger
Merges html files into a fingle file
For each file, will extract the content between the ... <\head><\body><\html> or
... <\\body><\\html> and put all those contents between those same tags in a new file. Simple as that.You can either give a list of files or a directory as input, and if not specified the output will be input_directory/merged.html, or ./merged.html. You can also pass the argument "clean=True" when calling merge() to delete the individual files used for merging.
Supports transparentpath objects.
from htmlmerger import HtmlMerger
merger = HtmlMerger(input_directory="my_htmls/") # result will be in my_htmls/merged.html
merger.merge(clean=True) # or clean=False to keep the individual files (default behavior)
from pathlib import Path
merger = HtmlMerger(files=Path("my_htmls/").glob("*")) # result will be in ./merged.html