- RapidJSON - JSON parser/generator for C++
Debian:$ sudo apt install rapidjson-dev
- Pistache - Simple C++ REST framework
$ git clone https://github.com/AdvancedModularManikin/rest-adapter
$ mkdir rest-adapter/build && cd rest-adapter/build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target install
$ cd build
$ cpack -G DEB
The REST adapter exposes the following routes:
/nodes - retrieve the current state of all node paths
/node/<name> - retrieve a single node_path
/command/<action> - issue a command
/actions - retrieve a list of all available actions
/states - retrieve a list of all available starting states / scenarios
/patients - retrieve a list of all available patients
/modules - retrieve a list of all connected modules and their statuses/capabilities
/module/<id> - retrieve a single module's status, configuration and capabilities