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Kotlin read-only val, data class, and kotlinx-serialization provide us a nice way to structure our data in concurrent programs. However, we experienced the following inconveniences:

  1. Need to manually register subclasses for open-polymorphism.
  2. Sometimes we need both a mutable version and an immutable version of the same data.

This library is an attempt to improve the development experience.

Generate serializers module

Dependency 1

Add Maven Central to the repositories:

repositories {

Add the Google ksp plugin:

plugins {
    id("") version "$kspVersion"

Add the ksergen-ksp dependency:

dependencies {

You may also want to disable code generation for test such that tests are forced to refer to the generated codes in main:

afterEvaluate {
    tasks.named("kspTestKotlin") {
        enabled = false


Whenever you build your source code (e.g., gradle build), the ksergen-ksp will scan the parents of your @Serializable classes to generate a GeneratedModule object at the ksergen package:

public object GeneratedModule {
    public val serializersModule: SerializersModule = SerializersModule {
        polymorphic(SerializableParentData::class) {
        polymorphic(MutableSerializableParentData::class) {
        polymorphic(SerializableParentData::class) {


You can then use the generated serializersModule for your serializers:

val format = Json {
    encodeDefaults = true
    serializersModule = GeneratedModule.serializersModule

val a = MutableExternalPolymorphicData()
val b: String = format.encodeToString(a)

Package name option

You can add following block in build.gradle.kts to change the package of GeneratedModule:

ksp {
    arg("generatedModulePackage", "my.package")

Generate immutable data class

Dependency 2

In addition to the ksp dependency, you need to add the ksp-annotations dependency:

dependencies {

Mutable data class to immutable data class

The name of a mutable data class has to start with Mutable, you can apply the @GenerateImmutable to automatically generate an immutable version of the class within the same package.

Original code:

data class MutableIntData(var i1: Int = 1, var i2: Int = 2)

data class MutableDemoData(
    var id: MutableIntData = MutableIntData(),
    var il: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(1, 2),
    var idl: MutableList<MutableIntData> = mutableListOf(MutableIntData()),

Generated code:

public data class IntData(
    public val i1: Int,
    public val i2: Int,

@SerialName(`value` = "Demo")
public data class DemoData(
    public val id: IntData,
    public val il: List<Int>,
    public val idl: List<IntData>,

Serialization of mutable data and immutable data

The @GenerateImmutable annotation itself is annotated with MetaSerializable, so the annotated data class is serializable. The generated immutable data class has a serialName that is the same with the serialName of the original mutable class. The GeneratedModule also takes into account of these classes.

This is a sample test code to show how the serialization works:

fun serializationTest() {
    val format = Json {
        encodeDefaults = true
        serializersModule = GeneratedModule.serializersModule

    val a = MutableDemoData()
    val b: String = format.encodeToString(a)
    val c: DemoData = format.decodeFromString(b)
    val d: String = format.encodeToString(c)
    val e: MutableDemoData = format.decodeFromString(d)

    assertEquals(a, e)

What about default values and member functions?

In our use case, it would be handy if we can also copy default values and member functions to the generated class. Unfortunately, because ksp does not support expression-level information, this is not possible.

Instead, you can use serialization to default-initialize immutable data classes and use extension functions to emulate member functions of immutable data classes:

fun IntData.sum(): Int = i1 + i2
fun MutableIntData.sum(): Int = i1 + i2

fun sumTest() {
    val format = Json {
        encodeDefaults = true
        serializersModule = GeneratedModule.serializersModule

    val mid = MutableIntData()
    val id: IntData = format.decodeFromString(format.encodeToString(mid))

    val s1 = mid.sum()
    val s2 = id.sum()

    assertEquals(s1, s2)

Related libraries

kopykat implements a copy method to modify a nynested immutable data class. Actually, this library is inspired by kopykat, but we created this library since the solution provided by kopykat doesn't suit our need.


KSP plugin to generate immutable data class







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