Mix of Dockerfiles and pointers to docker containers I have pushed to hub.docker.com for testing and dev.
The following images have some practical benefit and are in active use on some of the projects I work with.
- https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/avstephen/m2padova
- https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/avstephen/bullseye-stm32cube-gcc
- https://hub.docker.com/r/avstephen/bullseye-strumenta-tutorial-antlr
The following docker examples have not been pushed as images to hub.docker.com as they are simply examples for verifying particular ways to build and run docker images, and not fully useful images in their own right.
For each, the recipe to explore building and running them (especially with a view to supporting X apps) is as follows. Assume that MYDOCKER=docker-name in each case. e.g. MYDOCKER=u18-astephen-x11-apps would work.
''' cd $MYDOCKER docker build -t $MYDOCKER . docker run -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -v/home/astephen/.Xauthority:/home/astephen/.Xauthority:rw $MYDOCKER bash '''
A set of scripts to build docker images capable of running the MARTe2 real-time control framework. Modular scripts are also usable for installation of MARTe2 on real machines as well as containers.
Basic Ubuntu 18.04 anchor.
Adds a vanilla non-root account to Ubuntu 18.04 named astephen. The idea here is where it may be useful to match uid/gid on a docker host system.
Installs firefox and x11-apps to permit testing.
Example to run Xeyes taken from online post.