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Bus stops interview task requirements

Your have to implement simple board for bus stops. Directory docs contains openapi specification for the api response - feel free to play with that to check how api was implemented. Don't install any other library

Required environment

npm 8.11 and node 16.15

Installed packages ready to use

"axios": "^0.27.2",
"bootstrap": "^5.2.1",
"vue": "^3.2.13",
"vue-router": "^4.0.3",
"vuex": "^4.0.0"
"sass": "^1.32.7",
"typescript": "~4.5.5"

Font: Inter 300, 400, 500, 700

Required open ports in environment

8080 - for the Vue application
3000 - for the API server

How to start environment

  1. npm install - install dependencies
  2. npm run api - run the API
  3. npm run serve - for the Vue application

User stories

  1. As a user I can open the url http://localhost:8080 and see entry page with listed lines (

    1. User can see title "Stops Board"
    2. User can see navigation with links "Lines" and "Stops" ("Lines" is active link)
    3. User can see listed "lines". The "lines" should be sorted in the ascending order
    4. User can see placeholder "Please select a line"
    5. User can click at line
      1. Placeholder disappear and user can see listed stops. Stops should be sorted ascending by field order from the api (
      2. Use can see placeholder "Please select a stop"
    6. User can click at stop when line is selected
      1. Placeholder about selecting the stop disappear
      2. User can see listed hours for the selected stop sorted (
  2. As a user I can open the url http://localhost:8080/stops and see "stops" page with listed stops (

    1. User can see title "Stops board"
    2. User can see navigation with links "Lines" and "Stops" ("Stops" is active link)
    3. User can see the search bar
    4. User can see listed "stops" sorted in the descending order
    5. User can filter list by the search bar
      1. The "stops" list should be filtered after user input
      2. If search bar is empty all stops should be visible

Finished project availability

You can clone the project locally and run:

  1. yarn - install dependencies
  2. yarn api - run the API
  3. yarn serve - for the Vue application

Or try deployed version: , but please note following:


Since the server in deployed on the free render hosting site it needs time to be rerun so there could you need to refresh site few times since data appears.

About - bus timetable - recruitment task






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