This is a utility bot for scanlation tracking and workflow organization.
To deploy the bot using Docker, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
cd ./Scanlation-Discord-Bot
- Make sure the configuration is available:
mkdir -p ./app
touch ./app/sqlite.db
cp ./config-template.json ./app/config.json
The configuration scheme is as follows:
config | default | value | description |
Token | none | string | Required, bot's access token |
RemoveCommands | false | bool | Choose whether or not to remove registered slash commands from Discord upon shutdown |
DatabaseFile | sqlite.db | string | Location of database file for bot to use |
DatabaseBackupChannel | none | string | Discord channel in which to dump DB backups |
Owner | none | string | User ID of bot owner |
- Launch the bot:
docker compose up -d
Command | Permission | Description |
/help | all | Show help |
/add_reminder | all | Add reminder for yourself |
/my_reminders | all | Show all personal reminders |
/rem_reminder | all | Remove reminder for yourself |
/set_alarm | all | Set an alarm for yourself |
/user_reminders | admin only | Show all reminders for a user |
/all_reminders | admin only | Show all reminders |
/set_any_alarm | admin only | Set alarm for any user |
/add_any_reminder | admin only | Add reminder for a user |
/rem_any_reminder | admin only | Remove reminder for any user |
/add_series | admin only | Register new series for group |
/remove_series | admin only | Removes series for group, including all related settings. Channels are not deleted. |
/server_series | admin only | See all existing series on the server |
/change_series_title | admin only | Changes the full name of the series. Shorthand name is unchanged |
/change_series_repo | admin only | Changes the repo link of the series |
/add_series_channel | admin only | Register a channel with a given series |
/remove_series_channel | admin only | Deregister a channel with a given series, channel is not deleted |
/add_user | admin only | Register a user as a member of the group |
/remove_user | admin only | Remove a user from the group, deletes all related settings. User is not kicked |
/remove_user_by_id | admin only | Remove a user from the group by manually input ID, deletes all related settings. User is not kicked |
/server_users | admin only | See all registered users on the server |
/add_job | admin only | Register a new job type for the group |
/add_global_job | owner only | Register a new job type for all users |
/remove_job | admin only | Remove a job type for the group, including all assignments to that job |
/server_jobs | admin only | See all existing jobs on the server |
/add_member_role | admin only | Registers the role used to determine group members |
/remove_member_role | admin only | Deregisters the role used to determine group members. Role is not deleted |
/reg_series_channels | admin only | Registers bounds for series channels. Should be IDs of first and last categories |
/add_series_assignment | admin only | Register an assignment to a series for a group member |
/remove_series_assignment | admin only | Remove an assignment to a series for a group member |
/remove_all_assignments | admin only | Remove all assignments for a group member. Does not kick member from group |
/series_assignments | admin only | See the assignments and user colors for a given series |
/my_assignments | all | See your personal assignments |
/user_assignments | all | See the assignments of a given user |
/job_assignments | all | See everyone assigned to a given job |
/tl | all | Ping the translator(s) assigned to a series |
/rd | all | Ping the redrawer(s) assigned to a series |
/ts | all | Ping the typesetter(s) assigned to a series |
/pr | all | Ping the proofreader(s) assigned to a series |
/my_settings | all | See your server settings |
/user_settings | admin only | See user's server settings |
/set_color | all | Set your color for credits pages |
/set_user_color | admin only | Set user color for credits pages |
/vanity_role | all | Give yourself a vanity role |
/rem_vanity_role | all | Removes your vanity role |
/create_series_billboard | admin only | Create a billboard showcasing series information in this channel |
/delete_series_billboard | admin only | Deregister the billboard showcasing series information. Does not delete message |
/create_assignments_billboard | admin only | Create a billboard showcasing all assignments in this channel |
/delete_assignments_billboard | admin only | Deregister the billboard showcasing all assignments. Does not delete message |
/create_colors_billboard | admin only | Create a billboard showcasing all color prefs in this channel |
/delete_colors_billboard | admin only | Deregister the billboard showcasing all color prefs. Does not delete message |
/refresh_all_billboards | admin only | Refreshes all billboards on the server |
/add_notification_channel | admin only | Sets channel to receive messages containing updates from bot owner |
/send_notification | owner only | Send message to all registered notification channels |