My project for Hack Your Portfolio 2021. It is an interactive website which aims to give those learning to code assistance with syntax and use of programming languages.
It is an open-source repository in the hope that people with knowledge of other languages that aren't implemented can share their knowledge.
- Fork the repository
- Create a new JSON file for a new language (or edit an existing one) in the Languages folder
- Use the 'Example.json' file as a template
- Please test the site to ensure it doesn't break (instructions below if needed)
- Add the line "filename" : "LanguageName" to Languages.json.
- filename is the name of the file with no file extension and LanguageName is the display name for the language (e.g "CPlus" : "C+" where the file is CPlus.json)
- Submit a pull request to add it to my main repository Please note pull requests may not be accepted immediately
If you are creating a new JSON file to add an additional language I would suggest using Visual Studio Code, cloning the repository to your own computer (either using VS Code or command line 'git clone'), creating and filling in the JSON file and then installing Live Server as this will allow you to test the JavaScript. If it all loads successfully with no errors in the console then return to GitHub and submit a pull request. I will then give it a once over and if all seems good I will accept and merge your pull request.
Visit my codewithadam site to see the result. Once I accept a file into the main repository it should update within a few minutes.
I would love for this site to become a go-to site for any beginner programmer by containing anything needed to learn how to program.