This codebase is a bit of a mess - I may come back and clean it up someday. A rough directory:
-> 42Simulator - a fork of, some small changes to output telemetry and overcome monitor limitations
-> algo - the guts of the projet
-> - star tracking algorithm
-> - feature detection and matching algorithm
-> pose_optimisation.m - pose optimisation
-> Data->*.zip - imagery collected from the simulator
-> Data->telem - satellite telemetry
-> Data->[dense/sparse] - feature matches and segmentation from processed imagery
CN03.42: camera rotation matrices.
pn03.42: camera position.
qn03.42: camera body rotation, quaternions.
pn12.42: satellite position.
qn12.42: satellite body rotation, quaternions.
pn12_2.42: satellite solar panel position, relative to pn12.42.
qn12_2.42: satellite solar panel rotation, quaternions.