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Releases: Actipro/Avalonia-Controls


23 Jul 19:10
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  • Updated native control themes with changes in Avalonia through v11.1.0.
  • Added native control theme and related sample for new HyperlinkButton control.
  • Removed default control themes for ContentControl, UserControl, and NativeMenuBar since Avalonia v11.1.0 includes a default theme in their respective class definitions.


  • Updated the minimum Avalonia UI dependency from v11.0.7 to v11.1.0.


22 Jul 17:26
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  • Updated SegmentedBar to support ScrollViewer.IsScrollChainingEnabled.


  • Updated MenuHeadingFontWeight theme resource from Bold to SemiBold.
  • Updated TextBox control theme to work around a ScrollViewer issue.

Shared Library

  • Added new ScrollableOverflowPresenter properties for ScrollBackwardCommand, ScrollForwardCommand, and AllowEmbeddedScrollButtons that can be used to hide the built-in scroll buttons and bind scroll operations to other controls. Added a new sample to demonstrate the feature.
  • Added the ResizablePopupContentHost and PopupResizeGrip primitive controls.
  • Added OverlayInputFilter that can be used with WindowOverlayManager to control which content is disabled when an overlay is displayed (like those used by User Prompt).
  • Improved accessibility of ScrollableOverflowPresenter embedded scroll buttons.
  • Updated ScrollableOverflowPresenter to support ScrollViewer.IsScrollChainingEnabled by only marking mouse wheel events as handled when scrolling was actually performed.
  • Fixed issue where changing ScrollableOverflowPresenter.UseInfiniteConstraint did not trigger an updated layout.
  • Fixed issue where CopyButton and ToggleThemeButton might not have a default theme applied.


06 May 19:03
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  • Added the Card control, which displayed grouped information for a single subject.
  • Added the CircularProgressBar control, which renders a progress percentage in a ring shape using fluent animations, and also supports an indeterminate state.
  • Added the InfoBar control, which displays essential information to a user without disrupting the user flow.
  • Added the SegmentedBar control, which can be used to select a single item with fluent animations.
  • Added the SettingsCard, SettingsExpander, and SettingsGroup controls, which can be used to organize and present configurable settings.
  • Added UserPromptBuilder.Tag property and WithTag method for storing arbitrary data.
  • Updated Avatar control styles to prevent button-related style class names (e.g., 'theme-solid', 'theme-link') from changing the Avatar theme.
  • Updated BadgeAdorner to automatically bind Badge.DataContext to the adorned element's DataContext when Badge.DataContext is null.
  • Updated BadgeAdorner to enable clipping when the Badge is within the bounds of the adorned element and disable clipping when outside the bounds.
  • Renamed UserPromptControl's FooterImage and StatusImage properties as FooterImageSource and StatusImageSource.
  • Fixed a possible exception when assinging the owner of a UserPromptWindow if the explicit owner was undefined and the coerced owner was invalid.


  • Added the ThemeProperties.ToggleSwitchHasFarAffinityProperty attached property with updated ToggleSwitch theme to allow the knob/track of a ToggleSwitch to be arranged on the right side of the control instead of the left.
  • Updated native control themes with changes in Avalonia through v11.0.10.
  • Adjusted the default font size ratios for smaller sizes.

Shared Library

  • Added the ScrollableOverflowPresenter control that displays scroll buttons when its content overflows the available space.
  • Added ShadowChrome.IsAnimationEnabled property which can be used to enable or disable animated property transitions.
  • Added the ImageControlConverter value converter that can create an Image control for an IImage source.
  • Updated DegreeAngleAnimator to be registered as a custom animator in ModernTheme's static constructor.
  • Updated DynamicImage.DisabledOpacity so that it is relative to the control's opacity.
  • Updated HyperlinkTextBlock to support 'size-*' style classes.
  • Updated MeshGradientPresenter to work with Avalonia v11.1 API changes.
  • Updated ImageProvider's cloning of RadialGradientBrush instances to work with Avalonia v11.1 API changes.
  • Renamed ActiproSoftware.UI.Avalonia.Controls.Converters.ImageKeyToImageConverter as ImageKeyToImageSourceConverter.
  • Renamed ActiproSoftware.UI.Avalonia.Media.SharedImageKeys as SharedImageSourceKeys.


  • Updated the minimum Avalonia UI dependency from v11.0.5 to v11.0.7.


05 Feb 21:18
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  • Added new Avatar and AvatarGroup controls that render images, glyphs, initials, or text to represent people.
  • Added new Badge and NumericBadge controls that add contextual information to other controls.
  • Added the RingSpinner control that can inform an end user that some form of processing is occurring.
  • Fixed UserPromptBuilder auto-size to owner when displayed on screens with high DPI.


  • Improved the ListBox, TreeView, and DataGrid templates to better support rounded corners when CornerRadius is set.

Shared Library

  • Added the RingSlice shape that can render a portion (or the entire circle) of a ring shape.


04 Dec 17:57
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  • Added the ThemeProperties.SpinnerHasHorizontalOrientation attached property that can arrange ButtonSpinner and NumericUpDown buttons horizontally, making them more touch-friendly.
  • Added the ThemeDefinition.SpinnerHasHorizontalOrientation property that provides a global default for the ThemeProperties.SpinnerHasHorizontalOrientation attached property.
  • Fixed an issue where the new density-related markup extensions added in the previous build weren't parsing numbers with invariant culture, which had led to excessive padding on some systems.
  • Fixed an issue where a menu item's sub-menu could close when the pointer was over the popup's shadow.

Shared Library

  • Added various members to the UIColor structure to support the OKLAB and OKLCH color models.
  • Added the UIColor.ToChromaticAdaptation method that updates the color to render clearly on a given background.
  • Added the UIColor.ToGrayscale method that updates the color to a grayscale value.
  • Added the Color.ToUIColor extension method that converts a Color to a UIColor.
  • Added the IOrientedElement interface and numerous extension methods.
  • Added the ShadowChrome.Background and Padding properties.
  • Updated ArrayExtension and DelimitedArrayExtension to return generic object arrays for AOT compatibility instead of type-specific arrays. The ArrayExtension.Type property has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


  • Improved support for trimming and Native AOT (Ahead-of-Time).


14 Nov 21:40
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  • Added a new ThemeDefinition.UserInterfaceDensity property with Compact, Normal, and Spacious options that can alter spacing throughout an application's user interface. The default value is Normal, and can be changed in the Sample Browser with new View menu items.
  • Added a new documentation topic on User Interface Density.
  • Added the ScaledThicknessExtension, ScaledCornerRadiusExtension, ScaledDoubleExtension, and ScaledGridLengthExtension markup extensions to support dynamic values that scale based on UI density.
  • Added neutral control theme brush resources for outline, soft, and solid themes (e.g., ControlBackgroundBrushOutline, ControlBackgroundBrushSoft, ControlBackgroundBrushSolid, etc.).
  • Updated controls and themes to adjust their appearance based on UI density.
  • Updated the default ThemeDefinition.SwitchScale value to work better with common font sizes.
  • Updated ScrollBar thumbs to be slightly thinner by default.
  • Updated Calendar to have a smaller overall size.
  • Fixed a memory leak in ThemeProperties related to watching StyledElement.Classes for changes.

Shared Library

  • Updated the overlay host, which is used by user prompts in Overlay display mode, to fluently animate in content.
  • Updated ChromedTitleBar to work around an issue in Windows 10 where an outer window border/shadow may not be rendered.


17 Oct 17:53
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  • First release.