Displays Google Sheet data in a searchable, filterable, and sortable manner.
or see code manually pasted into:
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PJ1wabDbNwQJKfxrr7pCAnC7aNq81E-a
- see this published Google Sheet
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ianZrHebWkj2aKhOhkRbsk5p_4BvL__aImo6iuvADh4
- Always add most RECENT data to the TOP of the Google Sheet, and paste into the following columns:
- Year (use only the year of publication, not month or semester)
- Author (separate multiple authors with commas)
- Title
- Type (use consistent labels: Liberal Arts Action Lab, Community Learning Research Fellows. New labels can be added in the future, since the Project Type drop-down menu on the public web page auto-populates from this data column).
- Partner (use organization name when possible, and try to be consistent with past ones)
- Abstract (make sure that Action Lab and CLRF director/coordinator have reviewed the text)
- Subjects (separate entries with semi-colons; try to be consistent with existing labels, which are listed in Subjects button in public web page. New subjects can be added, since this button auto-populates from this data column)
- Online (paste web link if research products are on the public web, such as Action Lab sub-site, or paper uploaded to Trinity Library Digital Repository, which students do if their work also is a senior research project)
- Poster (for CL RFellows: name poster in this format (Lastname Year.PDF), upload to Google Drive posters subfolder [or start a new subfolder], right-click Get Shareable Link, and paste link into column)
- NOTE: Each entry can have BOTH online links AND poster links.
- Ignore other columns (labeled “not used”) because they do not appear on the public web site.
- When you finish data entry, check the public website to make sure it displays properly
- data in Google Sheets, which must be published. Insert URLs in main.js
- See here for errors.
- Go to action-lab account on Reclaim Hosting > cPanel > File Manager > cher.trincoll.edu > research-archive
- any code updates on GitHub must be manually uploaded to the folder above
Created by Ilya Ilyankou (@ilyankou) with Zorawar Moolenaar (@zorawar87) for the Center for Hartford Engagement and Research (CHER) at Trinity College, Hartford CT (http://cher.trincoll.edu)