More text to follow soon
Whats in here:
- Pass in a clients vocabulary (see examples/vocab.txt for the kind of format of this) and will output a lot of statistcs on this data. NB: choose the right scan steps - right now hardcoded in the top of the file.
- Read in a scan step csv and provide a test sentence (and if you wish a scan rate) and will give estimates for time to take to write this message.
- Read in a scan step csv and provide a vocab file (and if you wish a scan rate) and will give estimates for time to take to write the entire vocab.
- scan-steps-lib/ a library of scan steps for different layouts.
- Mapper/ - a funky script that tries to show you what a frequency list would like in a grid you make. NB: Very work in progress. Dont get your hopes up!
- Takes in a scan step csv chart (letter/phrase|steps\n) and a frequency list (phrase|frequency(count)\n) and adds a new column to the frequency chart of the steps to the steps to write the phrase with this scan step layout.
- Makes a step chart in a block of n x n cols and rows. Outputs to a csv of phrase|step
NB: Requires Python 3!
pip install -r requirements.txt
then run whichever. e.g:
python3 --vocab-file path-to-file.txt
python3 --ssteps path-to-step-scanning-lib-file.txt --scanrate 1
python3 --columns 6 --rows 6 --freqtable path-to-freqtable.csv --startat 2
python3 --ssteps path-to-step-scanning-lib-file.txt --ignore-spaces False --ssteps-phrases scan-steps-lib/ssteps-phrase-6x6.csv
- You have a vocabulary file that you want to analyse. Run - it will output some csv files - that you can then use to analyse the frequency of word and letter use
- You want to convert a ordered list of words or letters (in frequency order) and give a suggestion of the scan steps in a n x n block. Run MakeStepChart
- You want to Add these steps to your frequency list so you can compare different scan steps. Run
- You want to an estimation of time and efficiency between scan steps and a test sentences(s). Run StepAnalysis. If you want to do across a whole bunch of Scan Step layouts look at TotalStepAnalysis
- Provide some screenshots for each scan-steps-lib/ file
- Clean up code to make more readable and usable (e.g. dont hardcode the scan steps in VocabAnalysis)
- Right now code is designed to strip out non-Alpha characters. This is a bad idea if you want to analyse this in your code
- Massive thanks to Heidi Koester who we have pestered on a weekly basis about this stuff
- The clients who we cant have done this without.