This is an Online Auction System project that utilizes Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database to provide a secure and real-time bidding platform.
- User authentication with Firebase Authentication.
- Real-time bidding updates using Firebase Realtime Database.
- User registration and login with email and password.
- Integration with Google Sign-In for easy authentication.
- Secure storage of user credentials and bid data.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in your preferred development environment.
Set up Firebase project and configuration:
Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console (
Enable Firebase Authentication and configure the desired authentication methods (email/password, Google Sign-In).
Enable Firebase Realtime Database and set up the necessary database rules.
Obtain the google-services.json configuration file from the Firebase console and add it to the project.
Build and run the project on your development environment.
Register a new user account or log in using the available authentication methods.
Browse and search for available auction items.
Place bids on the desired items and receive real-time updates on the bidding status.
Monitor the bidding progress and track your own bids.
Firebase Authentication: Used for user authentication and registration. Firebase Authentication Documentation
Firebase Realtime Database: Provides real-time updates and storage for bid data. Firebase Realtime Database Documentation
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.