This small project is intended to collect the data of weather for a specific location say Reston and store it in json file. It uses the AccuWeather API to get the weather data. It can forecast the data for next 5 days or can get the current weather data of that location.
This project is built on python version 3.8.2
The librabries used has the follwing versions:
requests 2.22.0
pytest 6.0.1
ujson 3.1.0
Please run the requirements.txt to install the above dependancies as follows:
Use either python or python3 command to run the file.
The following command will forcast the weather data for next five days.
We can specify the postal code as command line argument to get the forecast of that postal code.
We can optionally provide the command line argument to get the current weather of Reston.
We can also specify the outfile name through command line.
The program can run with all the arguments giving the current weather of postal code and outputting the json of given name.
We can optionally provide the command line argument to get the current weather of Reston.
The file contains the test cases that tests the
Note: This takes the input as json file in one of the test case. The path of the file may needs to be updated.