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Releases: ARMmbed/DAPLink

REL v0258

10 May 01:09
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REL v0258 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0257...v0258

REL v0257

24 Feb 06:29
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This is a public release intended for testing. It contains many new features and fixes since version 0254.

Full Changelog: v0254...v0257


  • Compiler support: previous versions supported only armcc (ARM Compiler 5.x, or ARMC5). This version adds support for gcc_arm (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10.3, or arm-none-eabi-gcc) and armclang (Arm Compiler for Embedded 6.x, or ARMC6).
  • Build system (still based on project-generator) now focuses on make/cmake (uvision still supported). Use of mbed build tool is deprecated.
  • Update CMSIS-Core to version 5.3.
  • Update to CMSIS-RTOS2 (for gcc_arm and armclang)
  • Update to CMSIS-DAP v2.1.
  • Support for Python 3 and deprecating support for Python 2.x.
  • Improvement to lpc4322 HIC: added support for High-Speed USB and SWO
  • Add GitHub Actions continuous integration

New HICs

  • Nordic Semiconductor nRF52820 / nRF52833 (nrf52820)
  • Nuvoton M48SSIDAE (m48ssidae)
  • NXP KL27Z (kl27z)
  • NXP LPC5500 Family (lpc5xx)

New firmwares

  • Arm Musca A1 (lpc11u35_musca_a_if)
  • Arm Musca B2 (lpc11u35_musca_b_if / lpc11u35_musca_b_eflash_if)
  • Arrow HANI-IOT (lpc4322_hani_iot_if)
  • BBC micro:bit V1 (kl26z_microbit_if)
  • BBC micro:bit V2 (kl27z_microbit_if / nrf52820_microbit_if)
  • Embedded Planet Agora (k20dx_ep_agora_if)
  • Embedded Planet Kairos (k20dx_ep_kairos_if)
  • Maxim Integrated MAX32660-EVSYS (max32625_max32660evsys_if)
  • Maxim Integrated MAX32666FTHR (max32625_max32666fthr_if)
  • Maxim Integrated MAX78000FTHR (max32625_max78000fthr_if)
  • Nordic DK boards with support for external debug (sam3u2c_nrf5x_dk_ext_if)
  • NXP FRDM-KL03Z (k20dx_frdmkl03z_if)
  • NXP i.MXRT 1060 (lpc4322_mimxrt1060_evk_qspi_if)
  • NXP i.MXRT 1170 (lpc4322_mimxrt1170_evk_qspi_if)
  • NXP MCU-Link / NXP MCU-Link Pro (lpc55s69_mculink_if)
  • Nuvoton NuMaker-IoT-M263A (m48ssidae_numaker_iot_m263a_if)
  • Nuvoton NuMaker-M2354 (m48ssidae_numaker_m2354_if)
  • Nuvoton NuMaker-M252KG (m48ssidae_numaker_m252kg_if)
  • Nuvoton NuMaker-PFM-M487KM (m48ssidae_numaker_pfm_m487km_if)
  • Pitaya Link (lpc11u35_pitaya_link_if)
  • Sparkfun Artemis Development Kit (kl26z_artemis_dk_if)

Removed firmwares

  • k20dx_mimxrt1050_evk_qspi_if
  • k20dx_rbl_if
  • k20dx_rblnano_if
  • kl26z_nina_b1_if
  • lpc11u35_6lowpan_borderrouterethernet_if
  • lpc11u35_6lowpan_borderrouterhat_if
  • lpc11u35_6lowpan_borderrouterusb_if
  • lpc11u35_arm_watch_efm32_if
  • lpc11u35_arm_watch_nrf51_if
  • lpc11u35_arm_watch_stm32f411_if
  • lpc11u35_cocorico_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_cc3220sf_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_sdt32429b_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_sdt32439b_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_sdt51822b_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_sdt52832b_if
  • lpc11u35_dipdap_sdt64b_if
  • lpc11u35_mbed_cloud_connect_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_aconno_acn52832_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_laird_bl652_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_laird_bl654_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_mts_dragonfly_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_mts_xdot_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_murata_abz_078_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_murata_bl241_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_mxchip_emw3166_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_nina_b112_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_rak811_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_stm32f439_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_stm32l475_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_stm_s2lp_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_ublox_odin_w2_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_usi_wm_bn_bm_22_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_wise1510_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_wise1530_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_wise1570_if
  • lpc11u35_mtconnect04s_if
  • lpc11u35_ro359b_if
  • lpc11u35_vbluno51_if
  • lpc11u35_wio3g_if
  • lpc11u35_wiobg96_if
  • lpc11u35_wizwiki_w7500_eco_if
  • lpc11u35_wizwiki_w7500_if
  • lpc11u35_wizwiki_w7500p_if
  • sam3u2c_ncs36510rf_if

New Contributors

REL v0254

15 May 19:20
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
It contains new features and fixes since version 0253

New firmware

  • K26F HIC
  • FRDM-K32W042 board
  • MAX32625 HIC
  • MAX32620 HIC
  • MAX32630FTHR
  • MAX32625PICO board
  • MAX32620FTHR board


  • Added no MSD support builds and scripts. This can re-target any target family supported by DAPLink, change the board and family ID, and add flash algorithm blob to enable MSD interface in the USB.
  • Added bulk endpoints in WinUSB interface for CMSIS v2 support.
  • Multiple flash and ram support added. An independent flash algo for each regions can be added.
  • CMSIS-RTOS2 interface for RTOS. Interface is RTX5 ready.


  • Corrected flash algorithm call sequence.


  • Fix hex parsing without new line and non-sequential address support.
  • Mac updates vfs size without filename field fixed.

Internal API

  • New convention for adding a family id with vendor id.
  • Firmware version and unique ID can be access via DAP_Info command.


  • Win7 Mbed Composite driver crash occurs in some boards just because of the added interface in USB. Current solution is to unistall this driver and just keep the Mbed Serial driver on Win 7. These drivers should not be installed on Windows 8 to 10.

REL v0253

20 Feb 20:10
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
This is a differential release from 0252.


Reset masking of interrupts after flash algorithm functions execution.


Test load order: load interface before bootloader if binaries are present.

REL v0252

15 Feb 19:40
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
It contains new features and fixes since version 0251.

New firmware

  • Maxim MAX32620 HIC and MAX32625MBED board
  • Wio 3G and BG96
  • MTB based accono acn52832
  • MTB based stm32l475
  • MTB based stm32f439
  • LPC55S69Xpresso board
  • LPC54018 IoT module board
  • MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_laird_bl654_if
  • MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_murata_bl241_if
  • MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_stm_s2lp_if


  • Added under reset connection on debug.
  • Added multiple ram and flash region check.


  • Change default rom settings auto_rst to 1.
  • Update pyOCD version to 0.16.0
  • Disable interrupt in debug state.
  • Make storage drive persistent from host point of view/ change to persistent storage for actual files created.
  • Made a number of swd_host APIs public and code cleanup.


  • VFS/VBR/FAT Boot Sector Signature + Bootstrap Code / Android USB OTG FIX.
  • Removed premature location of sync_unlock and added one on return on VFS logic.
  • Flash algo fix sectors for stm32f4xx.

REL v0251

08 Nov 12:21
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
It contains new features and fixes since version 0250.

New firmware


  • lpc11u35_dipdap_cc3220sf_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_mts_xdot_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_mts_dragonfly_if
  • lpc11u35_mtb_ublox_odin_w2_if
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f103rb_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f401re_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f072rb_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f334r8_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f411re_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32l476rg_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f429zi_if*
  • stm32f103xb_stm32f746zg_if*


  • stm32f103xb*

Note: for stm32 hic and targets, need to compile the binary though project



  • Added checking to prevent target reset while flashing.
  • Added mbedcli build and release support.
  • Linux build support using mbedcli and arm compiler.
  • Added hexdump in case of hardfault for diagnosis.

Internal API

  • Added flash_busy to flash interface.


  • Fixed write command when automation turned on for GR-PEACH and GR-LYCHEE.
  • Added DAPABORT logic when initialization fails.
  • LPC546xx Flash Algo fix on not erasing whole flash

REL v0250

20 Sep 18:02
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
It contains new feature and a major fix since version 0249.

New firmware

  • Realtek RTL8195AM


Internal API

  • Added Verify api to DAPLink Flash algo interface.


  • Fixed hex flashing failures due to address gaps.

REL v0249

12 Sep 23:28
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
This is a differential release from 0248


  • Fixed streaming case where size information is updated after all data are streamed. Seen on Microsoft Edge download.

REL v0248

04 Sep 23:49
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution. It contains new features and fixes since version 0247.

New firmware

  • MIMXRT1020-EVK



  • Default state for LED and state machine for LED flash, permanent flash and off or default.
  • Added option to customized USB product string.
  • Filter trivial HID activity; can be caused by WebUSB UART (virtual serial) polling.


  • Automated package release for gh-pages, binaries and zip file generation



  • Fixed DAPLink flashing failure caused by hard fault crashing program (mostly for MTB+MCB boards).


  • Remounted board check by mode change and remote count. This fixed hang on Windows tests if the mounting is fast.

REL v0247

02 Aug 19:07
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This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution. It contains new features and fixes since version 0246.

New firmware

  • DIPDAP SDT32429B
  • DIPDAP SDT32439B
  • DIPDAP SDT51822B
  • DIPDAP SDT52832B
  • MTB Laird BL652
  • MTB RAK811
  • NXP Hexiwear
  • NXP Rapid-IoT
  • Renesas GR-LYCHEE
  • USI WM-BN-BM-22



  • WebUSB support
    • This major feature adds a new WebUSB-compliant HID endpoint. Applications running in browsers that support WebUSB (currently only Chrome) can communicate directly with DAPLink.
    • As part of this change, several CMSIS-DAP vendor-specific commands were added to allow access to the UART (virtual serial), as well as to support flash programming using DAPLink's built-in flash algorithm.
  • Added Microsoft WinUSB descriptors.
  • Reset and halt target after programming flash.
  • Add an error classification to FAIL.txt. This appends a "type:" line with one or more of "internal", "transient", "user", "target", or "interface" error classifications.
  • Updated Developers' Guide and Automated Test procedures documentation.
  • Including URL in DETAILS.TXT.
  • micro:bit board: Autodetect new board revision at runtime.
  • Enabled sector erase on FRDM-K66F, Nordic nRF5x based boards, Hexiwear, and STM32F429ZI/439ZI based boards.

Internal API

  • Add option to set target state to HALT or RUN.


  • Added sector erase test.
  • Update Mbed OS compile API URL.



  • Use read-modify-write when writing AIRCR in order to prevent modifying PRIGROUP.
  • Improve handling of HID set and get report transactions.
  • Correct interface firmware offset to 0x5000 for FRDM-KL82Z.
  • Fixed flash size for EMW3166 and WISE-1530.
  • Fixed flash size for STM32F512RE.


  • Fixed testing on Windows 10 by re-running chkdsk until the drive cache is in a good state.
  • Fixed Windows testing failures due to drive indexing.
  • Fix some target names in
  • Configuring all serial parameters prior to testing.