CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in 2.0.0
CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in 2.0.
This is a major release providing new functionality, many improvements and bug fixes.
Some changes in the framework are not backward compatible.
New functionality:
- CMSIS Pack Manager
- provides single view for packs, devices, boards and examples
- manages Packs: install, remove, delete
- links with project management plug-in: requests installation of missing Packs
- imports example projects contained in packs into workspace
- provides customization via extending CpPackInstaller class
- uses dedicateg UI prespective
- CMSIS Configuration Wizard editor
- an editor for configuration files that use Configuration Wizard Annotations
- provides two tabs: source and tree of annotation elements
- implemented as a separate plug-in
- CMSIS User Code Template wizard
- allows to add new files to project based on templates from currently selected Software Components
- the functionality is avaialable via File->New... as well as via Project Explorer context menues
- Update and merge of configuration files
- CMSIS C/C++ project tracks the versions of configuration files copied to project
- outdated versions are marked using icons in the Project Explorer
- the user can update and/or merge newer code to the existing files
- the merge functionality is avaialable via Project Explorer context menu
- Context Help
- CMSIS C/C++ Development User's Guide is integrated to Eclipse help framework
- covers all visible aspects of CMSIS plug-ins
- provides context-sensitive help for views and edirors
- ICpEnvironmentProvider interface
- integrates CMSIS plug-ins into specific development environment
- registered via com.arm.cmsis.pack.EnvironmentProvider extension point
- initialized at CMSIS plug-in statrup
- handles RTE events
- manages CMSIS root directory
- integrates dedicated implementations of pack installer and pack manager
- controls build settings
- filters environment specific examples
- extends IAdaptable interface
- Referece Client plug-in
- a plug-in demonstrating the integration of CMSIS-Pack plug-in into a development environment
- includes "Active RTE Configuration", "Installed CMSIS Packs" and "Installed CMSIS Devices" sample views
- shows how to access configuration data (component, device and debug related) - see
- demonstrates custom implementation of ICpEnvironmentProvider and ICpPackInstaller interfaces (by subclassing default implementations)
- contains ARM.RefClient.pack to demonstrate example filtering functionality
- the plug-in is provided separately and not included in
Major changes:
- Toolchain Adapter Framerwork
- IBuildSettings and IMemorySettings interfaces are moved to com.arm.cmsis.pack plug-in to be available for ICpEnvironmentProvider interface
- the list of build-related constants is updated and extended, several constants are renamed
- the constants are moved from IRteToolchainAdapter to IBuildSettings
- support for pre- and postbuild settings is implemented
- Component Management
- dependency solver is improved for deny and accept expressions
- improved component resolving on device change
- removed XML tab from RTE Configuration editor
- CMSIS views
- "Installed CMSIS Packs" and "Installed CMSIS Devices" views are moved to com.arm.cmsis.pack.refclient plug-in
Minor changes:
- additional ICpItem-based interfaces for Pack description elements
- new RTE interfaces for Examples and Boards
- improved semantic versioning algorithm
- updated vendor list: new and renamed entries, including Freescale->NXP transition
- visual changes: icons, lables and texts
- bug fixes
Included binaries:
- - pre-built plug-ins excluding com.arm.cmsis.pack.refclient
- com.arm.cmsis.pack.refclient_2.0.0.qualifier.jar - pre-built com.arm.cmsis.pack.refclient
- ARM.RefClient.pack - an example package to evaluate functionality provided by com.arm.cmsis.pack.refclient
Requirements: This release of the CMSIS-Pack Management for Eclipse requires JRE 1.8 to run and JDK 1.8 to build.
Platform: This release of the CMSIS-Pack Management for Eclipse has been tested on the following platforms:
- Windows-7 64 bit: Eclipse 4.4.0 (Luna) 32 and 64 bit, Eclipse 4.5.2 (Mars) 64 bit.
- Linux Ubuntu-14.04 64 bit : Eclipse 4.5.1 (Mars) 64 bit. Note: Eclipse command line option --launcher.GTK_version 2 might be required in order the plug-ins run correctly
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