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Research Computing Slides

This is a repository for ARCTraining Quarto slides collection.

Repository Setup

This repository was created from Sparrow0hawk/quarto-revealjs-template.

This repository is used to publish a RevealJS website that has been written in Quarto. It includes a GitHub Action which will convert the Quarto source to HTML and publish them via GitHub Pages.

Its a useful way of making slides portable as they are then available via the URL and naturally the slides are version controlled.

Standard Presentation

A standard Research Computing presentation includes

  • Title slide
  • Team slide
  • End slide
  • Footer

The meta definition for a standard presentation is:

    navigation-mode: linear
    controls-layout: bottom-right
    controls: true
    footer: "[Research IT Website]({{< var >}}) | [Research IT Query]({{< var rc.servicedesk >}}) | [Courses Material]({{< var rc.material >}})"
code: Course Code
name: Course Name

Note that code and name are meta variables used to generate the title slide (see below).

The Title Slide

The title slide is defined in the _title.qmd file, and is included in the presentation file via the {{< include _title.qmd >}} command. This slide has three elements:

  • Title: value retrieved via meta.code
  • Subtitle: value retrieved via
  • Image

The title slide should looks like:

title slide

Tip: if you want to create a title slide without title or subtitle, you can leave the meta values for code or name empty.

The Team Slide

The team slide is defined in the _team.qmd file, and is included in the presentation file via the {{< include _team.qmd >}} command. This slide has two variables elements:

  • Staff: value retrieved from _variables.yml file via {{< var >}}
  • IT Servicedesk link: value retrieved from _variables.yml file via {{< var rc.servicedesk >}}

Tip: If any of these values needed to be updated, please do this via _variables.yml file, and then, all standard presentations are going to be automatically updated.

The team slide should looks like:

team slide

The End Slide

The end slide is defined in the _end.qmd file, and is included in the presentation file via the {{< include _end.qmd >}} command. This slide has three variables elements:

  • IT Servicedesk link: value retrieved from _variables.yml file via {{< var rc.servicedesk >}}
  • ARC Website: value retrieved from _variables.yml file via {{< var >}}
  • HPC documentation: value retrieved from _variables.yml file via {{< var rc.documentation >}}

Tip: If any of these values needed to be updated, please do this via _variables.yml file, and then, all standard presentations are going to be automatically updated.

The end slide should looks like:

end slide

New Standard Presentation

To start a new standard presentation, start by creating a copy of the file template.qmd. Then, rename the new file using the training code, for example hpc0.qmd. Now, you will have to edit this new file and change the meta information (code and name) to reflect the training course content. For example, the meta for the HPC0 is:

    self-contained: true
    navigation-mode: linear
    controls-layout: bottom-right
    controls: false
    footer: "[Research IT Website]({{< var >}}) | [Research IT Query]({{< var rc.servicedesk >}}) | [Courses Material]({{< var rc.material >}})"
code: HPC0
name: Introduction to Linux for HPC


Done! The standard presentation is created. You can write the main content for the presentation by replacing the ## Slide A, ## Slide B and ## Slide C temporary content.

Write your slides

You are now ready to create your slides by editing the index.qmd in the root of the repository. For more information on writing RevealJS slides in Quarto see the RevealJS guide and the Revealjs Reference.

Preview locally

You'll need a working quarto. This can be installed from conda and you'll also want to install the theme extension:

conda create -n quarto -c conda-forge quarto
conda activate quarto
quarto install --no-prompt extension grantmcdermott/quarto-revealjs-clean

You can then preview this via:

quarto preview

Publish Locally

You will need to run quarto publish gh-pages once locally before deploying this template.


A basic pre-commit configuration is included (see .pre-commit-config.yaml) however to use it you will have to install pre-commit in your cloned repository. This requires pre-commit to be installed on your system or within a Python Virtual Environment. To find out more about installing and configuring pre-commit see the article pre-commit : Protecting your future self.


There is a growing number of useful Quarto extensions.

QR Code generation

The quarto-qrcode extension is particularly useful as it simplifies generating and embedding QR Codes that link to websites in your slides.


Public facing homepage for arctraining slides



