A Task Manager app
Technologies | Packages | Getting started | Author
- Create a new task
- complete tasks
- delete tasks
- cannot create an empty task
- cannot create the same task
- You cannot create a task if you have already completed it
Future Feteares
- New Page for tasks completeds
- New Page for tasks Created
- Implement modal for add date and other functionality for tasks created
- add tests for application
Here are the technologies used in this project
- React Native 0.73.6
- Expo 50.0.14
- React 18.2.0
- TypeScript 5.1.3
Here are the packages used in this project.
NodeJS NPM (Package manager of your choice)
Install the dependencies using a package manager, the one used in the project was NPM.
npm install
To start the project on your machine using NPM.
npx expo start
Made with ♥ by Apolo Wilker 🚀 Apolo Wilker