These packages provide an interface for a parameter handler and some default parameter handlers. A parameter handler is a tool to tune parameters defined in other classes.
The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.
Author(s): Christian Gehring, Gabriel Hottiger, C. Dario Bellicoso
ROS dynamic_reconfigure can read and write parameters of nodes at run-time. The tool has the following drawbacks compared to the parameter_handler packages:
- The client is not dynamically reconnecting when the server is restarted
- It requires a lot of overhead code.
- It does not support Eigen and kindr types.
In order to install, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the packages.
- kindr: Kinematics and Dynamics for Robotics
- kindr_ros: kindr ROS wrapper
- message_logger: Message logging utility
- Eigen3: Linear alegra library
- gtest: Google's unit testing framework
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.
- parameter_handler: Interface to parameter handler
- parameter_handler_doc: Doxygen documentation
- parameter_handler_msgs: ROS messages used by parameter_handler_ros
- parameter_handler_ros: An implementation of the parameter handler that uses ROS
- parameter_handler_std: An implementation of the parameter handler that is independent of ROS