- Docker:
- Pipework
sudo bash -c "curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpetazzo/pipework/master/pipework > /usr/local/bin/pipework"
From Dockerfile: (sudo docker build -t {tag} {Dockerfile_location}) ex:
sudo docker build -t quagga .
- Running new container
- Start stopped containers
- Delete running/stopped container
- Configure advanced networking (For connection with GNS3)
./startquagga.sh {quagga_image_tag} {container_name}
(persistent after container deletion)
sudo ./confdir.sh
To be able to SSH to your quagga container, put your public file “id_rsa.pub” in the current directory containing “Dockerfile”
From the container terminal, enable SSHD
From the container terminal or SSH console, start quagga
sudo ./clean_docker.sh
sudo ./qmonitor.sh
then browse: