- Docker Installation on Multiple Platforms (CentOS/Red Hat) / (Debian/Ubuntu)
- Selecting a Storage Driver
- Configuring Logging Drivers (Splunk, Journald, etc.)
- Setting Up Swarm (Configure Managers)
- Setting Up Swarm (Add Nodes)
- Setting Up a Swarm (Backup and Restore)
- Outline the Sizing Requirements Prior to Installation
- Namespaces, CGroups, and Certificates
- Pull an Image from a Registry (Using Docker Pull and Docker Images)
- Searching an Image Repository
- Tag an Image
- Use CLI Commands to Manage Images (List, Delete, Prune, RMI, etc)
- Inspect Images and Report Specific Attributes Using Filter and Format
- Container Basics - Running, Attaching to, and Executing Commands in Containers
- Create an Image with Dockerfile
- Dockerfile Options, Structure, and Efficiencies (Part I)
- Dockerfile Options, Structure, and Efficiencies (Part II)
- Describe and Display How Image Layers Work
- Modify an Image to a Single Layer
- Selecting a Docker Storage Driver
- Prepare for a Docker Secure Registry
- Deploy, Configure, Log Into, Push, and Pull an Image in a Registry
- Managing Images in Your Private Repository
- State the Difference Between Running a Container and Running a Service
- Extend the Instructions to Run Individual Containers into Running Services Under Swarm and Manipulate a Running Stack of Services
- Increase and Decrease the Number of Replicas in a Service
- Running Replicated vs. Global Services
- Demonstrate the Usage of Templates with 'docker service create'
- Apply Node Labels for Task Placement
- Identify the Steps Needed to Troubleshoot a Service Not Deploying
- How Dockerized Apps Communicate with Legacy Systems
- Paraphrase the Importance of Quorum in a Swarm Cluster
- State Which Graph Driver Should Be Used on Which OS
- Summarize How an Image Is Composed of Multiple Layers on the Filesystem
- Describe How Storage and Volumes Can Be Used Across Cluster Nodes for Persistent Storage
- Identify the Steps You Would Take to Clean Up Unused Images (and Other Resources) On a File System (CLI)
- Create a Docker Bridge Network for a Developer to Use for Their Containers
- Configure Docker for External DNS
- Publish a Port So That an Application Is Accessible Externally and Identify the Port and IP It Is On
- Deploy a Service on a Docker Overlay Network
- Describe the Built In Network Drivers and Use Cases for Each and Detail the Difference Between Host and Ingress Network Port Publishing Mode
- Troubleshoot Container and Engine Logs to Understand Connectivity Issues Between Containers
- Understanding the Container Network Model
- Understand and Describe the Traffic Types that Flow Between the Docker Engine, Registry and UCP Components
- Describe the Process of Signing an Image and Enable Docker Content Trust
- Demonstrate That an Image Passes a Security Scan
- Identity Roles
- Configure RBAC and Enable LDAP in UCP
- Demonstrate Creation and Use of UCP Client Bundles and Protect the Docker Daemon With Certificates
- Describe the Process to Use External Certificates with UCP and DTR
- Describe Default Docker Swarm and Engine Security
- Describe MTLS