ARM Development
The project requires TI's Code Composer Stuido Version 7 (ccsv7). This is necessary for the cross-compiler as well as TI's SimpleLink SDK.
- Download Code composer studio version 7.x here
- Ensure that Code Composer studio will be installed at ~/ti (or $HOME/ti or /home//ti) on linux, or C:/ti on Windows.
- Click the checkbox for SimpleLink MSP432
- Perform all other installation steps per TI's wiki as linked above
- On the "Getting Started" page, click the "Browse Examples" option to open the Resource Explorer. Alternatively, if the Resource Explorer is already open, navigate to that tab.
- Open the tree on the left side of the Resource Explorer titled "Software"
- Click the button that looks like a download button and download the MSP432 SDK v: "offline"
FreeRTOS is used to manage task scheduling
- Download FreeRTOSv10.0.0 here
- Extract the archive to either your home directory on linux, or c:/ on Windows
Steps to start working:
Clone the git repository to your favorite location
Download ccsv7 with MSP432 and CC13xx libraries
- /home/user/ti
- c:\ti
Install MSP432 simplelink sdk v1.60.00.12 from resource explorer
Install FreeRTOSv10.0.0
- /home/user/FreeRTOSv10.0.0
- c:\FreeRTOSv10.0.0
Open CCS and create a workspace in the same directory as the git repo
Go to Window-->Preferences-->General-->Workspace-->Linked Resources
- New, Name = FREERTOS_INSTALL_DIR, Location = FreeRTOS Install Folder (with the vXX.XX.XX)
Go to Project-->Import CCS Projects
- Click Browse, Ok (Defaults to workspace directory)
- Check box next to all projects, click finish
Build the karman-application project, or your favorite application project
Right click the project in the project explorer
- Debug as --> code composer debug session
- Stop the debug session
- Go back to Debug as ---> Debug Configurations --> Target
- Uncheck Enable Semihosting
Happy coding! :)