is a work in progress. Originally being built for internal use
only, I decided that maybe there are others that would benifit from this
is an R package that simplifies the process of analyzing and
interpreting bird acoustic monitoring data. It provides a user-friendly
wrapper for
BirdNet-Analyzer and
ecoVAD, allowing users to easily
install and run BirdNet and ecoVAD directly from R. Additionally,
includes a collection of functions for analyzing and
visualizing BirdNet output. Developed with a semi-automated analysis
pipeline in mind, chirpR
streamlines the analysis process.
Developed by 🦜Andrew Fairbairn
Current lab: Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Technical University of Munich
You can install chirpR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
requires Python 3.8 <= 3.10 To install a supported version of
Python, head over to, hover over downloads,
select your operating system and then scroll down to the installer for a
supported version of python. Download and follow the installation
instructions. Be sure at add Python to your systems PATH. This is
usually an option during installation, but if not do a search for adding
Python to PATH of your particular operating system.
Installing and running BirdNet:
## Install BirdNet
#> Python Python 3.11.2 is installed.
#> Python Python 3.10.10 is installed.
#> Using Python version: Python 3.10.10
#> Getting BirdNet...
#> Download completed with exit code: 0
#> Creating virtual environment...
#> Done! BirdNET is ready to use.
## Run BirdNet using default settings
## i is the input files path, as in BirdNet-Analyze
results <- birdNet.analyze(i="E:/acoustic recordings", o="E:/bnResults")
#> scientific_name common_name confidence
#> 1: Engine Engine 0.1579
#> 2: Turdus merula Eurasian Blackbird 0.1027
#> 3: Scolopax rusticola Eurasian Woodcock 0.1033
#> 4: Turdus merula Eurasian Blackbird 0.3508
#> 5: Turdus merula Eurasian Blackbird 0.5635
#> 6: Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush 0.2606
Setup ecoVAD:
## Setup ecoVad
The developers of ecoVAD recommend training using the OpenSLR LibriSpeech English language library. As a service for our users, I thought that I would provide a list to several speech libraries for different languages below. This is not an exhaustive list and I would appreciate submission of additional resources. Just contact me!
- English
- German
- Multilingual