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Rick Pernak edited this page Feb 1, 2021 · 5 revisions

Solar irradiance calculated as the sum of a temporally invariant term derived from the NRLSSI2 model, combined with spectral variability from Toon transmittances and Kurucz irradiances, and the solar cycle mean of the facular brightening and sunspot darkening from the NRLSSI2 model.

The new AER solar irradiance model is based on the NRLSSI2 model (Lean and Woods, 2010). This model has three components: a temporally unvarying term, constructed by merging together high resolution Toon transmittance and Kurucz solar irradiance with the coarser irradiance values from the NRLSSI2 model; and facular brightening and sunspot darkening terms from the NRLSSI2 model. See SOLAR IRRADIANCE What's New for details.

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