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16 Apr 20:37
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New foreign continuum coefficients in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 4000 cm-1 were derived (Mlawer and Mascio) using a modification to the MT_CKD line shape formalism that was constrained by results from the following studies from the U. Grenoble group led by A. Campargue:

  • Mondelain et al. (2015), doi:10.1039/c5cp01238d
  • Vasilchenko et al. (2019), .doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt. 2019.02.01
  • Mondelain et al. (2020), doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106923
  • Fleurbaey et al. (2022),
  • Koroleva et al. (2023),


18 Dec 19:53
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MT_CKD_4.2: Changes to self, foreign, and self T-dependence in IR window (590-1400 cm-1) derived from AERI (Mlawer/Mascio/Turner).


13 Feb 19:06
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Minor changes to MT_CKD_4.1 and MT_CKD_H2O_4.1


05 Jan 17:33
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  • Revised foreign H2O continuum in Far-IR to adjust for MT_CKD_3.5 changes to self
  • Included NO3 as a cross-section


01 Dec 19:16
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The continuum was updated to MT_CKD_4.0.1. The water vapor continuum code has been restructured for its inclusion in HITRAN and put in a separate module. The absorption coefficients are now in an external (netCDF) file and the code contains only simple scaling and interpolation operations. The full continuum code (contnm.f90) has been modified to call the new water vapor continuum code.


16 Jun 12:31
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  • Includes four additional cross-sections: acetic acid, glycoaldehyde, propene and furan (K. Cady-Pereira)
  • Water vapor self continuum temperature dependence is now computed as a power law, where the exponent is determined from existing behavior between 270-305K (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio)


08 Mar 18:55
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v12.12.beta Pre-release

Includes four additional cross-section species and a reformulated water vapor continuum


03 Feb 02:03
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  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD v3.5, which includes improvements in the water vapor continuum from the microwave through the far-infrared (E. Mlawer, V. Payne, J. Mascio, D. Turner), and a bug fix in the O2 A-Band continuum (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio, E. Magee).
  • The range of indices used in the R3 to R2 interpolation in the subroutine PANEL was extended to ensure that all R2 values used in the consecutive operations are correct.
  • lblrtm_v12.11_examples.tar has been provided for reference so users can validate their model builds. See README.setup in top level of the package for further direction.


04 Sep 12:06
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  • The continuum was updated to MT_CKD v3.4, which modifies collision-induced absorption in the oxygen A-band to be consistent with OCO-2 ABSCO 5.1 (E.J. Mlawer, J. Mascio, V.H. Payne, B. Drouin, F. Oyafuso)
  • The Planck function and its derivative are now calculated analytically rather than using look up tables (I. Polonsky, E.Mlawer)
  • The code has been reformatted with modern indentation and subroutine and function end statements, allowing for greater readability (I.Polonsky)
  • Added six cross-section molecules: SF6, NF3, C2F6, HCHO, HFC-245fa, and HFC-236fa. (I.Polonsky)
  • lblrtm_v12.10_examples.tar has been provided for reference so users can validate their model builds. See README.setup in top level of the package for further direction.


10 Apr 01:46
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  • Changes were made to oprop.f90 to handle O2 lines (Schumann-Runge), which have predissociation line widths and not pressure-broadened widths (M. Iacono, E. Mlawer)
  • Minor changes to solar.f90 to accommodate extension to 86500 cm-1 (M. Iacono)
  • Added O2 Schmann-Runge continuum to contnm.f90 (E. Mlawer)
  • Removed a line in lblrtm.f90 that prevented the code from compiling with ifort (K. Cady-Pereira, R. Pernak)
  • Added BrO to cross-sections (R. Pernak, K. Cady-Pereira)
  • Fixed a bug in the cross-section identification tables (K. Cady-Pereira, E. Mlawer, R. Pernak)
  • Extended Rayleigh down to 820 cm-1 in contnm.f90 (K. Cady-Pereira, J. Delamere)
  • Minor changes to BBFN to ensure correct rounding (M. Alvarado, Y. Ma)
  • Added space after STOP command in FNDPTH routine in lblatm.f90 (K. Cady-Pereira, D. Turner)