AFC-BERT is an Ajou Foundation model using CEHR-BERT. CEHR-BERT is a large language model developed for the structured EHR data, the work has been published at CEHR-BERT currently only supports the structured EHR data in the OMOP format, which is a common data model used to support observational studies and managed by the Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) open-science community. There are three major components in CEHR-BERT, data generation, model pre-training, and model evaluation with fine-tuning, those components work in conjunction to provide an end-to-end model evaluation framework. The CEHR-BERT framework is designed to be extensible, users could write their own pretraining models, evaluation procedures, and downstream prediction tasks by extending the abstract classes, see click on the links for more details. For a quick start, navigate to the Get Started section.
For each patient, all medical codes were aggregated and constructed into a sequence chronologically.
In order to incorporate temporal information, we inserted an artificial time token (ATT) between two neighboring visits based on their time interval.
The following logic was used for creating ATTs based on the following time intervals between visits, if less than 28 days, ATTs take on the form of
Overview of our BERT architecture on structured EHR data. To distinguish visit boundaries, visit segment embeddings are added to concept embeddings. Next, both visit embeddings and concept embeddings go through a temporal transformation, where concept, age and time embeddings are concatenated together. The concatenated embeddings are then fed into a fully connected layer. This temporal concept embedding becomes the input to BERT. We used the BERT learning objective Masked Language Model as the primary learning objective and introduced an EHR specific secondary learning objective visit type prediction.
We will release the model that we pre-trained soon
The project is built in python 3.7, and project dependency needs to be installed
Create a new Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv3.7;
source venv3.7/bin/activate;
Install the packages in requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add the JTDS jar to the spark jars folder in the python environment
cp extra/jtds-1.3.1.jar venv3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyspark/jars/
Create the following folders for the tutorial below
mkdir -p ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert;
We created a spark app to download OMOP tables from SQL Server as parquet files. You need adjust the properties in db_properties.ini
to match with your database setup.
PYTHONPATH=./: spark-submit tools/ -c db_properties.ini -tc person visit_occurrence condition_occurrence procedure_occurrence drug_exposure measurement observation_period concept concept_relationship concept_ancestor -o ~/Documents/omop_test/
We have prepared a synthea dataset with 1M patients for you to test, you could download it at omop_synthea.tar.gz
tar -xvf omop_synthea.tar ~/Document/omop_test/
We order the patient events in chronological order and put all data points in a sequence. We insert artificial tokens VS (visit start) and VE (visit end) to the start and the end of the visit. In addition, we insert artificial time tokens (ATT) between visits to indicate the time interval between visits. This approach allows us to apply BERT to structured EHR as-is. The sequence can be seen conceptually as [VS] [V1] [VE] [ATT] [VS] [V2] [VE], where [V1] and [V2] represent a list of concepts associated with those visits.
PYTHONPATH=./: spark-submit spark_apps/ -i ~/Documents/omop_test/ -o ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert -tc condition_occurrence procedure_occurrence drug_exposure -d 1985-01-01 --is_new_patient_representation -iv
If you don't have your own OMOP instance, we have provided a sample of patient sequence data generated using Synthea at sample/patient_sequence
in the repo. CEHR-BERT expects the data folder to be named as patient_sequence
PYTHONPATH=./: python3 trainers/ -i sample_data/ -o ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert -iv -m 512 -e 2 -b 32 -d 5 --use_time_embedding
If your dataset is large, you could add --use_dask
in the command above
If you don't have your own OMOP instance, we have provided a sample of patient sequence data generated using Synthea at sample/hf_readmissioon
in the repo
PYTHONPATH=./:$PYTHONPATH spark-submit spark_apps/prediction_cohorts/ -c hf_readmission -i ~/Documents/omop_test/ -o ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert -dl 1985-01-01 -du 2020-12-31 -l 18 -u 100 -ow 360 -ps 0 -pw 30 --is_new_patient_representation
# Copy the pretrained bert model
cp sample_data/hf_readmission ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert/hf_readmission;
# Create the evaluation folder
mkdir -p ~/Documents/omop_test/evaluation_train_val_split/hf_readmission/;
# In our experiment, we use the model snapshot generated from the second epoch
cp ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert/bert_model_02_* ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert/bert_model.h5;
PYTHONPATH=./: python3 evaluations/ -a sequence_model -sd sample_data/hf_readmission -ef ~/Documents/omop_test/evaluation_train_val_split/hf_readmission/ -m 512 -b 32 -p 10 -vb ~/Documents/omop_test/cehr-bert -me vanilla_bert_lstm --sequence_model_name CEHR_BERT_512 --num_of_folds 4;
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]