This repository contains the source code for 'The Impact of Asynchrony on MBEAs'.
- General implementation in C++ can be found under EALib
- Scripts related to running, setting up & processing data can be found under experiments.
- The content of
can be found in a zip file under releases.
cd experiments
# create environment - assuming poetry ( is installed (i.e., using pip install poetry).
poetry install
# install python extension
poetry shell
# in the newly opened shell - assuming meson is installed (i.e., using pip install meson)
# pick an experiment script, if you wish to run multiple, use --append on the next runs.
# this fills up `runs.txt` with the commands to be ran for the experiments.
<run experiment script(s) here>
# Finally, run these commands using (assuming pueue,, is installed)
# still within the environment (!)
# Alternative methods for running this list of commands should work too. Do ensure that the
# environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is set to 1.