Greet your guests with wonderful soap bubbles after they checked in at your venue with foursqaure. Or just enjoy them yourself, it's both very beautiful.
It's built with this soap bubbles machine but I guess it will work with any bursting bubbles machine that uses a toy motor up to 12V depending on the MOS-FET you use.
Uses a ruby server to connect with Foursquare and a XBee WiFly to connect to your wireless.
- Push the whole repo to e.g. Heroku to let the ruby middleware run
- Find the Arduino code in
- Use the Fritzing sketch located in
or the corresponding PDF to see how to wire things
Uses a Yun to connect with Foursquare and to your wireless - quite exciting device!
- The only code you'll need is in
(did I mention that I find this very exciting?) - Make sure your Yun has access to your network & the internet
- Use the Fritzing sketch located in
or the corresponding PDF to see how to wire things