Run cron jobs alongside your Fastify server.
While running cron jobs in the same process as a service is not the best recommended practice (according to the Twelve Factor App), it can be useful when prototyping and when implementing low-criticality features on single-instance services (remember that when scaling horizontally, all your jobs may run in parallel too, see Scaling).
There is an existing discussion about this in fastify/fastify#1312
$ yarn add fastify-cron
# or
$ npm i fastify-cron
Register the plugin with your Fastify server, and define a list of jobs to be created:
If (like me) you always forget the syntax for cron times, check out
import Fastify from 'fastify'
// Import it this way to benefit from TypeScript typings
import fastifyCron from 'fastify-cron'
const server = Fastify()
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
// Only these two properties are required,
// the rest is from the node-cron API:
cronTime: '0 0 * * *', // Everyday at midnight UTC
// Note: the callbacks (onTick & onComplete) take the server
// as an argument, as opposed to nothing in the node-cron API:
onTick: async server => {
await server.db.runSomeCleanupTask()
server.listen(() => {
// By default, jobs are not running at startup
You can create other jobs later with server.cron.createJob
// Same properties as above
cronTime: '0 0 * * *', // Everyday at midnight UTC
onTick: () => {}
To interact with your jobs during the lifetime of your server, you can give them names:
name: 'foo',
cronTime: '0 * * * *', // Every hour at X o'clock
onTick: () => {}
// Later on, retrieve the job:
const fooJob = server.cron.getJobByName('foo')
Otherwise, you can access the list of jobs ordered by order of creation
Warning: if you mutate that list, you must take responsibility for manually shutting down the jobs you pull out.
Cron jobs can be created either by passing properties to the job
option when
registering the plugin, or when explicitly calling server.cron.createJob
They are created by default in a stopped state, and are not automatically started (one good place to do so would be in a post-listening hook, but Fastify does not provide one).
The recommended moment to start your jobs is when the server is listening (this way you can create test servers without cron jobs running around) :
const server = Fastify()
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
// ...
server.listen(() => {
If you want to start a job immediately (synchronously) after its creation,
set the start
property to true
(this is part of
the cron
// When registering the plugin:
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
cronTime: '0 0 * * *',
onTick: () => {},
start: true // Start job immediately
// You can also act directly on the job object being returned:
const job = server.cron.createJob({ cronTime: '0 0 * * *', onTick: () => {} })
If your job callback needs the server to be ready (all plugins loaded), it can
be inappropriate to start the job straight away. You can have it start
automatically when the server is ready by settings the startWhenReady
property to true
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
name: 'foo',
cronTime: '0 0 * * *',
onTick: server => {
startWhenReady: true
Jobs are stopped automatically when the server stops, in an onClose
If you have running cron jobs and need to stop them all (eg: in a test environment where the server is not listening):
test('some test', () => {
// ...
// Stop all cron jobs to let the test runner exit cleanly:
When horizontal-scaling your applications (running multiple identical instances in parallel), you'll probably want to make sure only one instance runs the cron tasks.
If you have a way to uniquely identify an instance (eg: a number passed in the environment), you could use that to only enable crons for this instance.
Example for Clever Cloud:
if (process.env.INSTANCE_NUMBER === 0) {
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
// ...
You may want to run certain jobs in development only, or under other conditions.
will ignore any falsy values in the jobs
array, so you can do:
server.register(fastifyCron, {
jobs: [
process.env.ENABLE_DEV_JOB === 'true' && {
name: 'devJob',
cronTime: '* * * * *',
onTick: server => {
// ...
Some compatibility issues may arise with the cron
Possible issues (ticked if confirmed and unhandled):
- Adding callbacks to a job via
may not result in the server being passed as an argument - Using
may lead to the same problem
MIT - Made with ❤️ by François Best
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