Create daily report easier with simple interface.
- Ruby version 2.3.1
- Ruby on Rails version 4.2.8
- PostgreSQL version 9.6
- RailsAdmin
- Flat Admin V3.0
- Haml-rails
- Mustache
- OmniAuth Google OAuth2 Strategy
- Google API Client
- Gmail for Ruby
- Login with Google account
- Create project
- Create report
- Send email report as your Google account
- Recap reports (for manager)
- Clone dailyreport41 to your local machine
$ git clone [email protected]:41studio/dailyreport41.git
- Rename database config in config/database.yml.example to database.yml and change config username, password and database name.
- Rename env variable config in .env.example to .env and set your variables.
- Then bundle install
$ bundle install
- Create database
$ rake db:create
- Run migration
$ rake db:migrate
- Run the server
$ rails s