If there's a resource pack that doesn't work properly with ResourceFix, try to load it under ResourceFix, or try using one of the existing patches with this.
- Open a bug report and choose the "ResourceFix Compatibility Request" option.
- Follow the request template.
- I will get to you as soon as possible with a working solution.
Probably, and the results are that it doesn't work. However, recently I forced myself into making a resource pack that remaps block models for you, so you can run your favorite resource packs on 1.12.2 or below without many issues
By any means this isn't perfect, but it mostly works and I really liked the results that I managed to achieve.
Partially stable, don't use any of the packs listed in the "Incompatible" section of this description.
Please note that most packs will work, however some might need additional tweaks to work properly.If you use a pack that's incompatible, you might experience missing textures, crashes or rendering issues. More clarification will be below.
Please note that I haven't tested everything so there will be a bit of a gray area regarding some packs.Incompatible for now, I have plans to add item support later.
Fully compatible if BlockStates or CTM isn't utilized.