Lab04: Tic-Tac-Toe
- Author: Yasir Mohamud
- Author: Bryant Davis
- Author: Trevor Stubbs
[Tell me about your application, should be about a paragraph] This is a C# console application console where users get to play TIC TAC TOE.
Clone this repository to your local machine.
$ git clone []
Select File
-> Open
-> Project/Solution
Next navigate to the location you cloned the Repository.
Double click on the Lab04TicTacToe
Then select and open Lab04TicTacToe.sln
1.8: All tests are passing 1.7: Give user a response and stop game if it was a tie 1.6: Stop players from placing marker in same location 1.5: Display winner 1.4: Display game board to users and see where their marker is on the board 1.3: Allow users to enter cordinates 1.2: Allow users to enter names 1.1: Inital Repo Setup
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