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Commands Reference

Sayantam Dey edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 2 revisions


This reference details all the commands and associated options available from the Hailstorm console. The application lists the commands if you invoke the help command and lists detailed help with options when you invoke help COMMAND or COMMAND help.



hs > help
    Hailstorm shell accepts commands and associated options for a command.


    setup           Boot up load agents and setup target monitors.

    start           Starts load generation and target monitoring.

    stop            Stops load generation and target monitoring.

    abort           Aborts load generation and target monitoring.

    terminate       Terminates load generation and target monitoring.

    results         Include, exclude, export, import results or generate report

    purge           Purge specific or ALL data from database

    show            Show the environment configuration

    status          Show status of load generation across all agents

    help COMMAND    Show help on COMMAND
                    COMMAND help will also show help on COMMAND


hs > help setup
    Boot load agents and target monitors.
    Creates the load generation agents, sets up the monitors on the configured
    targets and deploys the JMeter scripts in the project "jmeter" directory
    to the load agents.


    force         Force application setup, even when no environment changes
                  are detected.


hs > help start
  Starts load generation and target monitoring. This will automatically trigger
  setup actions if you have modified the configuration. Additionally, if any
  JMeter plan is altered, the altered plans will be re-processed. However, modified
  datafiles and other support files (such as custom plugins) will not be re-deployed
  unless the redeploy option is specified.


  redeploy      Re-deploy ALL JMeter scripts and support files to agents.


hs > help stop
    Stops load generation and target monitoring.
    Fetch logs from the load agents and server. This does NOT terminate the load


    wait          Wait till JMeter completes.
    suspend       Suspend load agents (depends on cluster support).


hs > help abort
  Aborts load generation and target monitoring.
  This does not fetch logs from the servers and does not terminate the
  load agents. This task is handy when you want to stop the current test
  because you probably realized there was a misconfiguration after starting
  the tests.


  suspend       Suspend load agents (depends on cluster support).


hs > terminate
    Terminates load generation and target monitoring.
    Additionally, cleans up temporary state information on local filesystem.
    You should usually invoke this task at the end of your test run - although
    the system will allow you to execute this task at any point in your testing
    cycle. This also terminates the load agents.


hs > help results
    Show, include, exclude or generate report for one or more tests. Without any
    argument, all successfully stopped tests are operated on. The optional TEST
    argument can be a single test ID or a comma separated list of test IDs(4,7)
    or a hyphen separated list(1-3). The hyphen separated list is equivalent to
    explicity mentioning all IDs in comma separated form.


      show    [TEST]  Displays successfully stopped tests (default).
      exclude [TEST]  Exclude TEST from reports.
                      Without a TEST argument, no tests will be excluded.
      include [TEST]  Include TEST in reports.
                      Without a TEST, no tests will be included.
      report  [TEST]  Generate report for TEST.
                      Without a TEST argument, all succefully stopped tests will
                      be reported.
      export  [TEST]  Export the results as one or more JTL files.
                      Without a TEST argument, all successfully stopped tests
                      will be exported.
      import  <FILE>  Import the results from FILE(.jtl). OPTS is a set of
              [OPTS]  key value pairs, specified as key=value and multiple pairs
                      are separated by whitespace. Known keys and when they are
                      jmeter=<plan name>     # required if there are multiple plans
                      cluster=<cluster code> # required if there are multiple clusters
                      exec=<test id>         # required if the data is to be imported
                                               to an existing test cycle. `test id` is
                                               the first column of the table displayed
                                               by 'results'


hs > help purge
  Purge  (remove) all or specific data from the database. You can invoke this
  commmand anytime you want to start over from scratch or remove data for old
  tests. If executed without any options, will only remove data for tests.

  WARNING: The data removed will be unrecoverable!


  tests         Purge the data for all tests (default)
  clusters      Purge the cluster information and artifacts.
                Outcome depends on the type of the cluster, for Amazon,
                this means ALL Hailstorm related infrastructure for the
                account will be deleted. This is a bad idea if you are using
                a shared account, harmless otherwise, since all required
                infrastructure is created on-demand. It is recommended to
                use this command _only_ when suggested by diagnostic messages.
  all           Purge ALL data


hs > help show
  Show how the environment is currently configured. Without any option,
  it will show the current configuration for all the environment components.


  jmeter        Show jmeter configuration
  cluster       Show cluster configuration
  monitor       Show monitor configuration
  all           Show load generation status (default)


hs > help status
  Show the current state of load generation across all agents. If load generation
  is currently executing on any agent, such agents are displayed.