By Aneeljyot Alagh, Curtis Kan, Joshua Ji, Kailash Seshandri, Shehraj Singh, and Vedant Vyas.
This project uses React for the frontend, and Flask for the backend. We use OCR tools for LaTeX image processing, and Google Cloud Platform for deployment and hosting. We use ANTLR4
to build our own lexer
and parser
to convert latex to english which built on the top of existing latex to sympy project.
There are a few secrets we need to run the project.
In client/.env.local
, add the following:
In server/service_account_key.json
, add the Google Cloud Service Account JSON file. Inside the Cloud Console, this is the service account "[email protected]".
For those who want to use their own service account, we created this service account with the "Browser" role.
The simplest way to get started with the project is to open it up using Devcontainers, or using Github Codespaces. After that, assuming you have the environment variables and secrets reaady, run the following:
concurrently "cd client && npm run dev" "cd server && RUN_ENV=dev uvicorn main:app --reload"
The client will open on http://localhost:3000, while the server can be accessed at http://localhost:8000
- Tailwind for styling.
- XState for state management.
- React-audio-player for the website audio player.
- Axios for HTTP requests.
- React-Toastify for toast notifications.
- FastAPI for the backend.
- pix2tex for LaTeX OCR.
- (A fork of) Latex2Sympy to parse LaTeX and convert it to English
- ANTLR4 to build our own lexer and parser for LaTeX
- Google Cloud Text-to-Speech for converting English to speech.
This was our first time going full blast with Google Cloud, complete with a (possibly incorrect) Google Cloud Architecture diagram.