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Zásilkovna / Zásielkovňa / Csomagküldő / Przesyłkownia / Coletăria


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Zásilkovna Plugin

Zásilkovna / Zásielkovňa / Csomagküldő / Przesyłkownia / Coletăria


  • Enables sending shipments via [cz] [pl] [sk] [hu] [ro] to Zasilkovna branch or to the customer's address via Zasilkovna service.
  • The user can choose the Zásilkovna branch from the map during checkout in the Shipment step.
  • See Zásilkovna branch in final checkout step and also in the admin panel.
  • Export CSV with the Zásilkovna shipments (both to Zasilkovna branch or customer's address) and import it easily into Zásilkovna's system.


  1. Run $ composer require 3brs/sylius-zasilkovna-plugin.

  2. Add plugin classes to your config/bundles.php:

    return [
       ThreeBRS\ShipmentExportPlugin\ThreeBRSSyliusShipmentExportPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
       ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Add resource to config/packeges/_sylius.yaml

         - { resource: "@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Resources/config/resources.yml" }
  4. Add routing to config/_routes.yaml

        resource: '@ThreeBRSSyliusShipmentExportPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml'
        prefix: /admin
  5. Your Entity Shipment has to implement \ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentInterface. You can use the trait \ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentTrait.

    namespace App\Entity\Shipping;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentInterface;
    use ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentTrait;
    use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Shipment as BaseShipment;
     * @ORM\Entity
     * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_shipment")
    class Shipment extends BaseShipment implements ZasilkovnaShipmentInterface
        use ZasilkovnaShipmentTrait;
  6. Your Entity ShippingMethod has to implement \ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentInterface. You can use the trait \ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShipmentTrait.

    namespace App\Entity\Shipping;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShippingMethodInterface;
    use ThreeBRS\SyliusZasilkovnaPlugin\Model\ZasilkovnaShippingMethodTrait;
    use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShippingMethod as BaseShippingMethod;
     * @ORM\Entity
     * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_shipping_method")
    class ShippingMethod extends BaseShippingMethod implements ZasilkovnaShippingMethodInterface
        use ZasilkovnaShippingMethodTrait;
  7. Include @ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Admin/ShippingMethod/:zasilkovnaForm.html.twig into @SyliusAdmin/ShippingMethod/_form.html.twig.

    {{ include('@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Admin/ShippingMethod/_zasilkovnaForm.html.twig') }}
  8. Include @ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Shop/Checkout/SelectShipping/_zasilkovnaChoice.html.twig into @SyliusShop/Checkout/SelectShipping/_choice.html.twig.

    {{ include('@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Shop/Checkout/SelectShipping/_zasilkovnaChoice.html.twig') }}
  9. Replace {% include '@SyliusShop/Common/_address.html.twig' with {'address': order.shippingAddress} %} with {{ include('@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Shop/Common/Order/_addresses.html.twig') }} in @SyliusShop/Common/Order/_addresses.html.twig

  10. Replace {% include '@SyliusAdmin/Common/_address.html.twig' with {'address': order.shippingAddress} %} with {{ include('@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/Admin/Common/Order/_addresses.html.twig') }} in @SyliusAdmin/Order/Show/_addresses.html.twig

  11. Override the template in @ThreeBRSSyliusShipmentExportPlugin/_row.html.twig

    {% extends '@!ThreeBRSSyliusShipmentExportPlugin/_row.html.twig' %}
    {% block address %}
       {% if row.zasilkovna %}
            {{ include('@ThreeBRSSyliusZasilkovnaPlugin/_exporterRow.html.twig') }}
       {% else %}
           {{ parent() }}
       {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
  12. Create and run doctrine database migrations.

For the guide how to use your own entity see Sylius docs - Customizing Models


  • For delivery to the Zasilkovna branch, create new shipping method in the admin panel, set Zásilkovna api key and leave Carrier ID empty.
  • For delivery to customer's address, create new shipping method in the admin panel, set the Carrier ID and leave the Zasilkovna API key empty.
  • If you need to filter the points in the map by country, use the Show only pickup points from specific country in the map. If you leave this blank, all points in all supported countries will be shown.
  • Zásilkovna CSV export will be generated for shipping method which has the code 'zasilkovna', you can change this in parameters, it is an array (therefore can contain more codes, e.g. if you need to have different prices for different countries, you will need more shipping methods; it is okay to use always the same API key)
        shippingMethodsCodes: ['zasilkovna']
    You should add to this array both methods for shipping to Zasilkovna branch and also to customer's address via Zasilkovna service.
  • Packeta API documentation:
  • You can expand the list of countries by the parameter
      threebrs_sylius_zasilkovna_plugin_payment_methods: ['cz', 'pl', 'sk', 'hu', 'ro']



  • Develop your plugin in /src
  • See bin/ for useful commands


After your changes you must ensure that the tests are still passing.

$ composer install
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create -e test
$ bin/behat
$ bin/
$ bin/


This library is under the MIT license.


Developed by 3BRS
Forked from manGoweb.