Installation process (not for production environments) :
git clone
cd pialab-back
Symfony cli is required to start server.
The informations about the database connection and the SMTP server are stored as environment variables called DATABASE_URL and MAILER_URL respectively. For development, you can find and customize them inside .env.
composer install
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
symfony server:start
Create your super admin user :
bin/console pia:user:create [email protected] yourSecretPassword
bin/console pia:user:promote [email protected] --role=ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
Note: You can demote a user for a specific role :
bin/console pia:user:demote [email protected] --role=ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
With a super admin user (has role ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
), you can login into the admin panel here http://localhost:8000/manageUsers
and into http://localhost:8000/manageApplications
The following grant_types are implicitly included :
- password
- token
- refresh_token
bin/console \
pia:application:create \
--name="Default App"
--url="http://localhost:4200" \
Note: You can create this Oauth application in the backend admin UI.
bin/console pia:user:create [email protected] pia
Note: You can create this user in the backend admin UI.
POST http://localhost:8000/oauth/v2/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&username=[email protected]
Should response something like
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"scope": null,
"refresh_token": "NzhhOWZkMmViYzczYjcyMTBkNjY0OTE5NjcyM2RiZjlhZmIxYzA3MmVmZDVmMGM0ZGMwODU2MWI1MWExZDI5OQ"
You can now request the api as :
GET http://localhost:8000/pias
GET http://localhost:8000/oauth/v2/token ?client_id=3_3vyy0lw26x6o84kgowc48kc4s4oc0gk0g888c0k4gwsko8g08w &client_secret=4lfse5e5wc2s408sss4sgw440kc84kc4ocwo80os0owgkskk4w &refresh_token=NzhhOWZkMmViYzczYjcyMTBkNjY0OTE5NjcyM2RiZjlhZmIxYzA3MmVmZDVmMGM0ZGMwODU2MWI1MWExZDI5OQ &grant_type=refresh_token
Should response something like
"access_token": "M2U0NzIwOThiNTVhODNkZDFmNDIxZTg5ZDAzMjQ4OTdjMGUwZjMyMzA1NTVhYWRiYTM4Yzc5MDY4ZGI0NzdiMw",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"scope": null,
"refresh_token": "YjRhZjZjODRlZGI3Y2IwYTQxMzQ5MjYxNzc3YTExNDk0YmFkY2RmMDQxODEwYzU2ZmNjNDE1OTg0NGQwY2UwYw"