Juntos, Free & Open Source One Page Template for Charities and Association of every nation, size and color.
Juntos is an answer for charities of any size who need clean an elegant and modern design for their website, for free of course. Because the Template trend is really present in the web nowadays but mainly for big organizations or corporations and not enough for small ones. That's why Juntos is there.
- SUPER easy to setup
- 100% Responsive & Retina Ready
- Powered by CSS3 and HTML5
- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Unlimited Colors
- Clean and Commented Code
- Functional PHP Form
- 200+ Icons
- Donation Button
- Interactive Design
- Single page, post and event templates are included
- Free !!
- Photos Are NOT included with the template.
##Credits This work couldn't be possible without:
- Icons - IcoMoon http://icomoon.io/
- Framework - Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/
- Carousels - FlexSlider http://flexslider.woothemes.com/
- Lightbox - FancyBox http://fancybox.net/
- Menu Effect - Sticky http://stickyjs.com/
- Responsive Menu - MeanMenu http://www.meanthemes.com/plugins/meanmenu/
- Scroll Top - Scrollup http://markgoodyear.com/labs/scrollup/
- Link Effect - SmoothScroll http://cferdinandi.github.io/smooth-scroll/
- Page load progress bar - Pace http://github.hubspot.com/pace/docs/welcome/
- Project Slider - SequenceJS http://www.sequencejs.com/
- Images In the Demo- Zurijeta http://photodune.net/item/hungry-children-in-refugee-camp-distribution-of-humanitarian-food/4953721 - Tommy Chheng http://www.flickr.com/photos/19959624@N04/ - MongoStock http://photodune.net/item/volunteer-group-with-food-donation/3073633/ - Fotolia http://fr.fotolia.com/